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Old 06-13-2004, 12:40 PM
denisg denisg is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Newton, MA
Posts: 5
I haven't checked out the apple script capabilities yet, but i think understanding how FUS affects functionality is all I need. When I don't see the GUI I'm expecting, I now know that my wife was working on the Cube -- easily resolved. I don't see this as a deal-breaker.

And I appreciate the logic of piggy-backing the iTunes GUI instead of constantly upgrading to catch up with Apples' next big thing! I think that Apples constant innovation makes NetTunes more attractive than some other options (Squeezebox, etc...). Since you're always enabling a remote control of the latest iTunes offering, everything works - protected AAC files, AirTunes, and whatever comes next!

Everything else I've tried is missing at least one key feature of iTunes.
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