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Old 10-18-2007, 02:49 PM
mykmelez mykmelez is offline
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Originally Posted by dnanian View Post
Is your drive named the same?
Yes, my drive is named "Macintosh HD", and that's what it has always been called. In case it helps, here are the details:

My computer (32bit 2.16GHz MacBook Pro) started shutting off spontaneously a few weeks ago, so my company sent it to Apple for repair. Before they sent it off, I made a complete backup to an external Firewire drive, then I used Mac OS X's migration feature to migrate my account to a loaner laptop (32bit 2.00GHz MacBook Pro).

(Fortunately, the machine didn't shut down during either the backup or the migration.)

Apple's migration utility worked ok. Afterwards, a couple items on my dock were question marks, and I had to do a bit of configuration (don't remember what now) and reinstall a few applications (including XCode, if I remember correctly), but overall things worked out.

When I got my computer back from Apple, however, I decided to restore using SD!, so I backed up the loaner to the external drive, booted my repaired machine off the external drive, and used SD! to "back up" from the external drive to my repaired machine.

When I booted off the external drive (called "Backup"), the dock was already messed up. In fact, I think it was messed up in the same way that it's messed up now. But I didn't worry about it, assuming the problem was just that the name of the drive was different and that things would be ok after rebooting from my machine.

After I restored the backup and rebooted my machine, however, things were not ok. That's when I visited these forums, found the two threads on the problem, and tried the recommendations of rebuilding LaunchServices. I've since tried rebuilding using all three recommended tools (Onyx, Cocktail, and from the command-line), but my dock items are still all screwed up.

But like I said, it looks like they are screwed up in the same way they were screwed up when I booted off the backup drive, so it seems that the problem occurred during the backup, not during the restore.
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