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Old 08-17-2018, 09:08 AM
Dan Lester Dan Lester is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 173
Thanks, Dave. But as I said, SuperDuper TRIED to copy my slightly oversized volume, until it got to the end and realized that it couldn't. Also, it just took a minute for me to look at the partition size on my copy disk, and look at the size of my volume that I was trying to copy onto that partition to realize that I was going to have a problem.

I didn't notice any cautionary message in "What's going to happen", so I can't say it wasn't there, but if I understand you correctly, "What's going to happen" is supposed to say that nope, you can't copy this volume onto this partition, but hey, if you want, we'll try it anyway?
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