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Old 01-20-2006, 05:11 PM
ChrisRyland ChrisRyland is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 5
adding archival backup to SD

Please, please, please consider building a drop-dead simple archival backup feature into SuperDuper.

I know I've asked before, and you said it's Not Currently Your Mission.

But I believe such a product (or maybe make a new product and call it SuperSuperDuper, charging $100) would sell well, and would still be very easy to use: backup would be a volume, at whose top level is a directory with subdirectories for each backup date; each such subdirectory would correspond to the state of the backed-up volume at that point (and all files contained within would be hard-linked to any other unchanged files from previous backups, so you're really only storing the incremental changes, not the whole volume each time).

To restore, just find the file in question (in the Finder) under the most recent directory that's still in the state you wanted.

Boom, you're done.

Last edited by ChrisRyland; 01-20-2006 at 05:34 PM.
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