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Old 01-25-2008, 12:41 AM
sdsl sdsl is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 73
One thing you might check is whether other programs or processes are running during the SuperDuper backup.

When I run SuperDuper to backup my daughter's iMac, she tells me not to close any programs that are running. These programs are generally sitting "idle," but certain ones (such as Firefox, Microsoft Word) can consume 50% or more of the cpu even when "idle,", depending on a number of variables.

I've seen SuperDuper runs take twice as long due to other programs making only 50% (or less) of the cpu available to SuperDuper.

You can watch for this sort of thing by watching the Activity Monitor before running SuperDuper and then also during the time that SuperDuper is running. When other processes are running, SuperDuper takes longer.
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