Thread: "Show Log"
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Old 12-20-2006, 12:53 AM
CipherSwarm CipherSwarm is offline
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I recently had an unneeded panic attack because of this "dual logging". I thought my backups were running nightly, but when I launched SuperDuper! and went to "Show Log..." in the menu bar, I saw a three week old timestamp and immediately thought, "Oh no! This drive is failing and hasn't been backed up in three weeks?!?" After backing up, and reading this post, I realized that I've all ready gone through this once before: scheduled backups, checked logs, and falsely thought they weren't running, and discovered the separate "scheduled backup" log. Seems I'm getting amnesia early in my twenties...a bit early

I'm glad to see that my backups were running when I thought they weren't (and that's much better than the opposite!), but I can't think of a way to make it more clear to the user that the logs found in the menu bar don't represent all the logs that SuperDuper! has been keeping. I wish I had more ideas on what you could do to the GUI to help.
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