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Old 11-26-2005, 12:48 AM
dirt farmer dirt farmer is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 15
Hi Dave, just want to make sure I did things correctly. I, too, have never used Terminal before.

I, too, used the old script. After reading the instructions above, this is what I did:

1) In terminal, I typed ------> sudo mdutil -i on "/Volumes/backup".

I was asked for my password. A message appeared saying "indexing enabled on /Volumes/backup" . So far, so good.

2) I dragged my backup drive icon (image?) from the desktop to the spotlight privacy pane. It took it, no problems.

3) I launched superduper. In the Advanced options, my "Run shell script after copy completes" box was checked, with the old disable_spotlight script still there. I unchecked the box.

4) I trashed the disable_spotlight script from my Application folder.

Did I do everything correctly? Were steps 3 & 4 necessary?

Thanks for your help.
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