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Old 09-20-2005, 01:36 PM
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dnanian dnanian is offline
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Hi, Jeff. Thanks very much for your words of praise for SuperDuper! -- I'm glad you like it. We're definitely working like crazy to keep things as simple as possible, and will keep doing so, even when it delays a release. After all, there are plenty of complicated, hard to use (or hard to restore from) backup programs out there!

Anyway, as long as Intego's back up is a full copy, you can definitely update it with SuperDuper! There's *nothing* proprietary about the way SuperDuper! stores its data, and we look at the state of the drive(s) to make our decision about what files to copy (or not). As long as the files were properly copied, and haven't been changed, we'll leave them as-is.

If Personal Back-up didn't copy them properly, we'll replace those that are wrong.

Make sense?
--Dave Nanian
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