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Old 12-25-2012, 01:20 PM
Dan Lester Dan Lester is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 173
Thanks. I will admit that I didn't see in the Users Guide about passed parameters. Nice!

But I also just assumed that the target volumes had to be pre-mounted in order for Super Duper to work. Tried it last night with those volumes unmounted. I got up in the morning to find that it worked! So indeed, SuperDuper mounts volumes it needs to access, and unmounts them when done. I always just *assumed* that those volumes had to stay mounted. That's a real pleasure to find out that they don't.

I've used SuperDuper seamlessly for at least five years, and I'm continually delighted by it, as I gradually learn more about it.

This all being the case, I'm trying to understand what the script by "T’N’T Luoma" was for. I thought that script was to mount before clone, and dismount after clone. But if SuperDuper already does that, what's that script for??
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