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Old 12-09-2012, 06:07 PM
fred fred is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 46
Hi Dave,

OK it looks like I'm definitely going to install a 512 SSD in my iMac and fuse it with the 2TB.

So regarding the way that fusion works as far as I understand it, at first it fills up the SSD before using the HDD after which it proceeds to shift data around in an intelligent way.

So... obviously the OS must go on the SSD and I would also want all my apps on the SSD, or everything that is in the app folder because I have x-plane has 60GB of global scenery which I would want to stay on the SSD.

Therefore my question is this... After fusing the drives if I then use SD to copy a bootable clone back to the fused drive, what order does SD copy the files over?

I presume it copies the OS first which would go on the SSD, but does SD then copy the Apps folder, or is there other stuff that goes on before SD copies the Apps.

I hope the general drift of this question is clear.


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