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Old 10-15-2009, 12:23 PM
fmlogue fmlogue is offline
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Posts: 16
No, I cloned the Time Machine Disk. I could see Backups.backupdb in the finder as well as all the same snapshots as in my Time Machine Disk. However, I solved the first problem. I use Path Finder and have the Finder turned off. I forgot that I have to have the Finder turned on to enter Time Machine. When I turned on the Finder, I was able to see both Time Machine Disks and enter the clone. But the other problem still persists. Do you think I should erase the Partition I have cloned my Time Machine disk to and re-clone using SuperDuper! 2.6.2? Or should I just accept that I can browse my old Time Machine files, but not use it. I am just trying to be safe when I upgrade to Snow Leopard and not lose all or most of my Time Machine backups the first time Snow Leopard runs a Time Machine backup.
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