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Old 09-04-2009, 12:38 PM
MacCetera MacCetera is offline
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Originally Posted by dnanian View Post
Don't nuke and pave. Let us investigate this, Marc... seriously. We have seen some clues about what's going on. Wiping your own system is just going to take your time unnecessarily.
Oh well... I erased the clone, and started a CCC run... then left to pick up my daughter. I was hoping that CCC would attempt a block copy, but it's flying along with a file-based copy - currently about 65 of my 240 GB done at 40 minutes.

I'm expecting to see the same bloated results, and taking your advice will leave it be (with the exception of probably running a SD smart update just to make sure my scheduled run at 1 am tonight doesn't bail).

FWIW, I enjoy this sort of stuff... empirical knowledge has value

-- Marc

...and some time later:
  1. The file-based CCC copy was larger than the source - in a comparable range to the SD differences.
  2. The SD smart updated backup schedule for this pair had to be recreated because erasing the target volume in DU prior to the CCC test yielded a new UUID for the volume, which naturally didn't pass the SD sniff-test.
  3. After recreating the backup schedule, SD ran through the CCC-created copy like it was its own.

Last edited by MacCetera; 09-05-2009 at 01:06 AM. Reason: Results of file based CCC comparison
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