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Old 09-20-2008, 09:48 AM
Chrlz Chrlz is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 7
Hi again Sigi,

Excuse me, but I do not know that one can replace the internal iMac HD with a larger one?? I believe I"m already maxed out with memory and disc space. Too, does this not present still another problem for me; a procedure to get all the info System/User/Files/Folders from the current drive to a new internal drive.

Yes, I know what you mean about running out of space with photos, especially shooting raw and saving PS working projects.

Sigi, I'm certain this digital age is slowing me down. Learning the camera and gettting pics to the Mac is one thing. Now it's the internal working of the Mac. I haven't addressed all my film pics, negs, and slides yet. Ya can't only be a photographer, you have to know hexadecimal and the difference between a lower case b and an uppercase B. I recently bought new digital equipment for TV/movies and that too is a strain getting all to work together. Didn't know what to do with a Lip-Sync problem last night. And what about knowing something of six different video formats and a dozen audio formats to say nothing of on-screen menus that go on for an hour! Just incredible.

Gotta go and do something more simple now; pick up my hammer and a few 8d nails and take out my aggression on a few two by's. But: "I'll be back!" A.S.

Yes, I will take a look at kelby's place. Been using one of his books, Krogh too.

Many thanks.

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