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Old 06-17-2008, 01:49 PM
Pujoe1 Pujoe1 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Dallas - Fort Wroth
Posts: 6
I have some good news. I decided to see of my problem with Finder crashes was user-specific. I logged out and logged back in with another account I have on my MBP. I opened the Parallels install image file fully expecting another crash, but it worked fine. Great. That isolated my problem. I then knew I had a user-specific problem.

I started the usual trouble shooting by dragging the preferences file of my original login to the desktop and restarting. No change. Still got the crash. I decided to stop there and trouble shoot another day.

The good news is that I now have Parallels reinstalled and running fine. I had to do it with my other account login, but that's okay. I still have my original problem, but I have time to sort it out.

The bad news is that with some of the hacking and terminal commands I've been issuing, I seem to have lost my USB external drive. The system no longer recognizes it. That's where I point Time Machine, so I need to get it back up soon. I use my Firewire drive for SuperDuper smart backups.

I'm off for more research and trouble shooting. And to think, I left the PC for the Mac about 18 months ago to avoid spending time just trying to make it work.

Thanks for all the help. None of this would have been possible if I hadn't used SuperDuper to keep that bootable backpup handy.

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