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Old 03-02-2008, 06:33 PM
Drdul Drdul is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 29
Question Questions for Mike...

Hi Mike:

How much space does Leopard take up on your 8 GB drive? The reason I ask is that's the size I have. I tried to clone my DiskWarrior CD to my USB drive, and although it started up okay, DW crashed, so that's not an option to create a bootable USB flash drive. Interestingly, the cloned DW install was only about a gig, leaving plenty of room for other stuff.

What exactly did you "pare down?" I can imagine removing all unneeded languages and printers, as well as unneeded apps and their associated files, but what else did you remove?

Once you have Leopard on your USB drive, can you update it to 10.5.2 and apply all other relevant updates? If so, and if there's a least a couple of gigs still free, then that's the solution!

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