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Old 02-01-2008, 04:57 PM
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dnanian dnanian is offline
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We're aware of the fifos and devices not passing. It's something we'll look at in the future, but they -- unlike the other items -- tend not to be the kinds of things you'd want to copy.

Device entries in general shouldn't be copied (they're created and bound during the boot process).

FIFOs are used to allow multiple programs can communicate through a "pipe" -- they're usually created every time programs launch, and don't really have "meaning" across an execution (they don't even have any contents), so we decided not to handle them (they're kind of like VM swap files and temporary files, to our mind). It's really not clear what you should do with them, really.

I do not have plans to contribute to or extend the suite at present, at least: we have our own testing tools that we've developed internally, but they're not things we'd want to release to the public (and our competitors).
--Dave Nanian
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