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Old 04-11-2007, 10:47 AM
ma2fish ma2fish is offline
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Originally Posted by dnanian View Post
Did you follow the steps in the User's Guide "Recovering from a disaster"? You should mount the sparse image (open it), then use its volume as the restoration source...
Right, I've got the PDF user guide open on the PC here on the desktop, so I am trying to go step-by-step, but I must be confused about some of the directions.

I've got the image mounted, according to Disk Utility, and it's showing up as "Mount Point: /Volumes/mattMacbook" on the information section of DU, but I cant drag it over to the "Source:" box, and when I use the "Image" button to try to select the image I just get a Finder window that shows the image as a drive and I can't select it (the "Open" button is shaded and unselectable).

I've erased the HD, and it's partitioned and formatted, with no OS. When I click on either the Toshiba HD or the Volume/Untitled under the HD, and go to the restore tab, I can't select the mattmacBook.sparseimage I have on the firewire drive for the source. The external drive has both firewire and usb, and I've tried both ways. The image is listed in the drives contents, but it's shaded in the finder window when I try to select it as an image source. If I select "Scan Image for Restore" from the Images menu of DU I get an error message that says "Unable to scan "mattMacbook.sparseimage"- Invalid argument.", but the image mounts anyways.

I've got an old G4/350 running Panther here, could I do something via firewire to push the image on to the MacBook via that?

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