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Old 01-21-2007, 05:31 PM
MarkHolbrook MarkHolbrook is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 10
Superduper failed me!

I religiously "clone" my MBP drive to a Lacie drive weekly figuring that at some point I would need to clone back after some strange failure.

Well it finally happened. Something went ary and my MBP refused to boot past the blue screen with a cursor. The problem lays in some kernel item. I have tried every tip I could find including disk utility, ram reset, the whole works.

So I plugged in my trusty fireware Lacie drive, started up with CMD-Option-Shift-Delete and I cannot even see the Lacie as a valid startup disk!!!

I even switched over to a USB cable. Still no luck.

This really sucks and I have to say that after following every instruction carefully I'm deeply disappointed that when I needed it most I was unable to use the "clone" SuperDuper promised me it was making.

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