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msadams 01-10-2014 03:10 PM

Setting up Two File Transporters
Hi Gang,

I've been using SD since 2007 and love it. Never had an issue till I added a pair of Connected Data File Transporters. I still have the Mini and iMac do their scheduled Time Machine backups to their dedicated Seagate USB drives. No issues there. But instead of putting the Super Duper smart update sparse images on a separate partition on those drives, I wanted to put those images on the File Transporters in the Library folder so that they sync. One unit at my house and the other at my daughter's house.

Here's the rub. SD will create a sparse bundle in the library folder on the Transporter no problem. That bundle will sync across the 15 miles to the other house for off site backup. Perfect, EXCEPT, it will NOT update the bundle. I think the problem is that the FT uses an EXT4 format so that Mac OS cannot read write to it. Just a guess.

It is not practical to erase and rewrite the whole file because the 100GB transfer to my daughter's place would take a week as my TWC upload is only 1 Mb/s.

Maybe I am missing something and SD can actually provide me with smart updates to a bundle on a File Transporter. Ideas anyone?

Clarence, NY

dnanian 01-10-2014 03:19 PM

What do you mean that it will not update it? We don't care if the host volume is EXT4 (most NAS devices are EXT3 or EXT4).

msadams 01-10-2014 04:36 PM

Hi Dave,

Even though I believe that I've asked for a smart update and pointed to the file on the FT, I get a "can not mount drive" error. When I get home, I'll run a backup and send you the log.


dnanian 01-10-2014 05:40 PM

Thanks - that's what I'd need to be able to help.

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