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fmlogue 02-07-2008 03:22 PM

Clone booted, but cpu at 100%, required prebinding.
I downloaded SuperDuper! for Leopard with much relief and proceeded to clone my Leopard startup volume. But when I booted into the clone I ran into the same problem that I had when I tried Carbon Copy Cloner, the volume booted, but the CPU usage was up to 100% and I was unable to use the clone. Some programs unexpectedly quit, others took forever to load. Path Finder loaded but took over 5 minutes. I could not run Activity Monitor because it "Unexpectedly quit" before finishing. The clone would sort of work in safe mode and I was able to use my alternate account that has nothing installed. However I did notice a comment by Bruno_08 which mentioned prebinding. I did so using MainMenu, and voila, it worked. However just to check, I did a smart update and ran into the same problem. I had to boot into safe mode so I could run MainMenu and run prebinding. Obviously this is not a common problem, but does anyone have a clue as to what is happening?

I am running Leopard 10.5.1 on a PPC Mac Mini 1.25 GHz 1 GB and I installed Leopard on an empty partition, setting up my user account and installing all my applications from scratch.


Bruno_08 02-07-2008 03:49 PM

Hi fmlogue

You know what ?
I'm happy
I'm not alone with this problem !
I discovered that Rebuild prebindings was a
reliable solution, but i do not know why ?

Do u have Little Snitch running during the cloning ?
Had you check the Box " Repair permission on Mac HD" ?

Problem is the same on PPC and Mac Intel

I tried to quit all when i made the clone, but not Little Snitch ...
And many other Mac OS X.5 process running in the same time.
I have also 'PlugSuit" enable for Safari, a plug-in to have SafariPlus and TwiceTab active.
This work with "SIMBL" in Application Support"

I ask Dave by mail for a possible idea off what's happen , but he never see that yet.

At least ! we are 2 now.

Ps : I did a smart update and ran into the same problem also ... (solved by Rebuilding prebindings on he clone booted)

(Clones mades on LaCie and Iomega 2.5 HD FireWire 400)

fmlogue 02-07-2008 06:00 PM

Re: Clone booted, but cpu at 100%, required prebinding.
Well, Bruno_08, I also had Little Snitch running And I have PlugSuit installed to allow me to use TextExtras. Do you think one of these is responsible? I guess I will have to test when I have time. Maybe I should run SuperSuper! in safe mode.


Bruno_08 02-07-2008 06:36 PM

I don't know.
This perhaps a runway
It is amazing anyway, many of us are using Little Snitch. (V 2.0.2)
We have to test it to be sure, one by one ...
I noticed that Little Snitch does not kept the User defined rules on the clone ...

I don't know if Dave know something about Little Snitch and Plug Suit issue with SD 2.5 ?

Keep us posted.

dnanian 02-07-2008 06:39 PM

Sorry, no -- I don't.

Bruno_08 02-09-2008 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by fmlogue (Post 17198)
Well, Bruno_08, I also had Little Snitch running And I have PlugSuit installed to allow me to use TextExtras. Do you think one of these is responsible? I guess I will have to test when I have time. Maybe I should run SuperSuper! in safe mode.


Do you use CamXav ? (V 1.1.0 (177)

fmlogue 02-09-2008 09:21 PM

Re: Clone booted, but cpu at 100%, required prebinding.
Yes I have ClamXav installed, but I have not run it in a while.


Bruno_08 02-10-2008 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by fmlogue (Post 17310)
Yes I have ClamXav installed, but I have not run it in a while.



Have a look here

Bruno_08 02-12-2008 04:07 AM

Well, the update 10.5.2, did not solved anything here.

I just make a Smart Update, and I always have to do a rebuild prebinding as i had discovered the first time.

fmlogue, do you have a HP scanner ? As far as I am concerned, there is a Background process that I suspect :
"HP Scanjet Manager"

Bruno still under investigation with not much help ...

Bruno_08 02-12-2008 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 17432)
Guys, let's try this. Please create a new copy script, include "Backup - all files", and then add a command to ignore


Save that and use it as the copy script ("using" - 3rd pop-up), and Smart Update your backup. Does it then boot as expected?

Thanks Dave

But, How do i do that ??

"Please create a new copy script, include "Backup - all files", and then add a command to ignore"

dnanian 02-12-2008 10:07 AM

See the User's Guide - "Excluding files and folders from a backup".

Bruno_08 02-12-2008 11:08 AM

Well, Dave, I just try with this new script, it does not work.

There was however change:

The clone boot smoothly, all the applications "unexpectly quit as usual", I have a "heavy CPU load as usual". So, as usual, I run the only application that responds, "Leopard Cache Cleaner" and attempted to Rebuild Prebinding:

The difference is that the prebinding is not, or in any case is hyper fast (1 sec) in contrast 3 minutes usual.

I reboot, same worries.

It is something else ... :\

dnanian 02-12-2008 11:15 AM

Hm. After the backup runs, please check the destination volume to see if /Volumes/the-backup/private/var/db/dyld is empty.

Bruno_08 02-12-2008 12:06 PM

I just re-Smart Update with the script modified thus:

Yes dyld's contents of the back-up is empty. :\

I do not want to drop the case, it must be well hidden and more than with the dynamic linker ...

dnanian 02-12-2008 01:04 PM

OK. No other "easy" ideas at present, but we'll continue to look into it. Doesn't happen here, though.

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