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brandontxh 03-17-2005 10:57 AM

Am I using SD to it's potential?
I just bought your great software but tell me if I'm not getting it all.I am a commercial photographer and use a powerbook 1.25ghz on location running 10.3.8 and just used SD to copy a full bootable backup on to my 80gig firewire drive.And plan to use that bootable drive when I shoot connecting a camera to the laptop.I don't fully get why I have to repartition my macintosh harddrive 75/25 and also keep a bootable on my external firewire drive and maybe a safety clone?
Also,in case I loose my laptop,can my original beige G3 that I got up to OS 10.2.8(that seems to be as far as I can update) at home boot from the bootable firewire drive so I can also use that as the backup computer?
One more question,is it ok to drag and drop folders of stuff like the software Notebook back and forth from the bootable drive I'm on to the original and vice versa or is that going to mess things up or defeat the purpose?Like maybe my bootable has a folder in or out of the main copy drive?Thanks for a cool software.


dnanian 03-17-2005 11:13 AM

Brandon --

I'm trying to determine your motivation here, and I'm unable to quite figure out why you're doing what you're doing!

You definitely don't want to copy stuff back and forth from your backup to the main drive unless you're restoring, nor do you want to boot from in general unless necessary. Perhaps you can give me a better idea of your intentions here -- and I'll help you figure out how to achieve them.

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