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cjedj 09-01-2009 02:47 AM

Automatic copy aborted becuase SD could not locate the Source volume named (null)

I've been running weekly backups with SD! flawlessly for at least a year, but my first backup after upgrading to 2.6.1 failed with the Growl message "Automatic copy aborted because SD could not locate the Source volume named (null)".

I hadn't changed anything in my setup, still OS X 10.5.8, same external drive as always, no name changes.

Has anybody experienced this under 2.6.1, or know a possible fix?


dnanian 09-01-2009 09:57 AM

Did you delete and recreate your schedules?

cjedj 09-01-2009 09:59 AM

Do you know, looking back, I think I did. I seem to remember noticing that it was set at 9.30pm instead of 3am as I normally have it, so I set it up again.

Would that have made a difference? And if so, do you know what I can do to fix it? Thanks!

dnanian 09-01-2009 10:00 AM

That sounds like you used the "Schedule..." button again. Not the same. Try deleting and recreating the schedules in full...

cjedj 09-01-2009 10:23 AM

Thanks, will try that tonight. So does that mean that my old schedule somehow didn't get carried over into 2.6.1, or have I done something to screw it up without realising it?

I only ask, because my Dad updated his version to 2.6.1 yesterday, and if the same thing has happened to him I'll need to sort it remotely, he won't know how to do it himself.

dnanian 09-01-2009 10:26 AM

It's because the settings or schedule drivers in some cases aren't fully compatible, depending on the version they were created with. This clears up any errors inside the settings package.

cjedj 09-02-2009 12:45 AM

2nd failure
I deleted and recreated the schedule last night, and this time it failed for a different reason, according to the Growl message: "SuperDuper! got an error: Connection is invalid".

By the way, I'm on a PPC G5, would that make a difference - I'm tempted to roll back to 2.60 at this point, as I've never had a problem with that version. As it's a relatively old machine I'm not sure if I really need 2.6.1 - what do you guys think?

Anyway, looking at the log, I'm not sure if I've now got a bootable clone or not, despite the error message. Any advice?


| 03:49:32 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Blessing OS X System Folder
| 03:49:33 AM | Info |      Successfully blessed Mac OS X folder on Lacie Clone
| 03:49:33 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Blessing OS 9 System Folder
| 03:49:33 AM | Info |      Did not bless Mac OS 9 System Folder on  Lacie Clone  because it does not exist.
| 03:49:33 AM | Info | ...ACTION: Updating prebinding on Lacie Clone
| 03:49:33 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Updating boot cache on '/Volumes/Lacie Clone'
| 03:49:44 AM | Info |      update_dyld_shared_cache[91675] current cache invalid because /System/Library/Frameworks/InstantMessage.framework/Frameworks/IMUtils.framework/Versions/A/IMUtils has changed
| 03:49:56 AM | Info |      update_dyld_shared_cache[91675] current cache invalid because /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib has changed
| 03:50:05 AM | Info |      Successfully updated boot cache on Lacie Clone
| 03:50:05 AM | Info | ...ACTION: Restoring Spotlight state on Lacie Clone
| 03:50:05 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Restoring Spotlight search indexing state on Lacie Clone
| 03:50:05 AM | Info | PHASE: 4. And Finally...
| 03:50:05 AM | Info | ...ACTION: Quitting SuperDuper!
| 03:50:05 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Quitting SuperDuper!
| 03:50:05 AM | Info | Copy complete.

dnanian 09-02-2009 08:40 AM

This copy looks fine. "Connection is invalid" sounds more like Growl had an issue than SD did.

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