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nkhester 06-02-2008 12:59 PM

Curious Reference to Disk Warrior
This question has been on my mind for some time. It was revived this weekend when I was reading (can't recall where) that of the full restore programs available to Mac users only Disk Warrior fully met the challenge --- with SuperDuper being a very close second. This comment was quite unhelpful in that no explanation for SD's 2nd place ranking!

Now, to my lingering question... In your own SD Manual under the heading Recovering from a disaster (page 27), the following statement appears: It's a cliche, I know, but don't head for a full restore before trying other options, such as Disk Warrior, doing an Archive and Install, or other similar approaches.

There is clearly something missing here (i.e., in my understanding). Is it your view that somehow Disk Warrior and SuperDuper are complementary applications? If so, is there good reason to install both?

dnanian 06-02-2008 01:10 PM

Disk Warrior is a disk repair program. What I'm suggesting in the User's Guide is that it's often better to repair than restore, and Disk Warrior does a more thorough job than Disk Utility in that area.

nkhester 06-02-2008 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 19651)
Disk Warrior is a disk repair program. What I'm suggesting in the User's Guide is that it's often better to repair than restore, and Disk Warrior does a more thorough job than Disk Utility in that area.

Thank you for this succinct clarification!

It would be quite helpful if this "qualifier" were incorporated in the next iteration of the manual.

Thank you.

nkhester 06-03-2008 10:40 AM

I'm Quite Embarrassed!
I feel that I should apologize for the misstatement I made at the beginning of this thread:

My recollection of having read an article comparing SuperDuper to DiskWarrior was totally erroneous! I finally found the article to which I thought I was referring:

And if one reads deeply into the article, you will find that SuperDuper receives quite favorable mention --- and it wasn't being contrasted to DiskWarrior!

However, this experience was quite educational for me, as I was alerted to the value of having both SuperDuper (full backup) and DiskWarrior (disk utility). Following Dave's gentle response to by query, I have purchased and installed DiskWarrior --- and I've found it to be a fantastic complement to SD.

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