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DavidMLewis 04-10-2006 09:26 AM

Scheduled backup under fast user switching
I have a PowerBook that my wife and I share. I have it set to wake at 1:25 every morning, and I have a rotating schedule of backups to an external drive set to launch at 1:30. If my wife happens to have been the last user when we go to bed, the backup will fail. This leads to two questions.

The first question/suggestion has to do with running in the background. In the specific case of a scheduled backup that quits or sleeps the computer when it's done, it's not clear to me why SD! needs to run the user interface. Would it not be possible to detect that it's in the background and run such a restricted job faceless if it is?

The second, in the short term, is about workarounds for this. Should I schedule backups from both users and let one of them fail? This certainly seems inelegant, but would it work? Are there better solutions, perhaps involving scripting, either shell or AppleScript?

Thanks in advance,

dnanian 04-10-2006 09:35 AM

Hi, David.

Re-engineering SD! to be "faceless" to handle FUS and some other situations was beyond the scope of 2.x. Of course, it's possible... we just didn't have the time or resources to do it for this release.

I'd do exactly what you suggest: schedule for both users. Then, the one in front will run.

Hope that helps!

george 04-10-2006 05:38 PM

Why do backup for both users? Is not one backup of All Files sufficient to preserve all files for all users, regardless of whether FS is used or not? Is that not the point of SD cloning in the first place?

dnanian 04-10-2006 05:47 PM

George, you're misunderstanding why I'm suggesting this. The situation the user has described a situation where he can't guarantee which account will be in front. Either his Wife will be logged in, or he will be.

Since SuperDuper!'s schedule won't run unless the account where the schedule was created is logged in, and in front. Since either one of the accounts could be in front, scheduling under both will ensure that the schedule will run for the user who's in front when the time comes. The other schedule won't run.

SD! will back up all files regardless of the user running it. The key here is to get it to run, and that's why I suggested what I did.

Make more sense?

george 04-10-2006 06:04 PM

Got it. In my similar case it is rather that backups are NOT scheduled, and hence SD was/is always in front regardless of who does the backup. sorry for the confusion. george

dnanian 04-10-2006 06:10 PM

No apologies necessary on your part, George: sorry for any panic/misunderstanding my original response created!

blind_melon 03-06-2007 11:02 AM

Accounts issue
You said that this issue with scheduled backups and different accounts was going to be solved... has it? Or shall I wait for a new Super Duper update?

dnanian 03-06-2007 01:54 PM

What I indicated was that a daemon was beyond the scope of 2.x; this hasn't changed... :)

mattone 03-31-2007 12:13 AM

Fast User Switching: Sparse Image Permissions
if i have 2 scheduled backups - one in one user account and one in another as you described above - both backing up to the same disk image (sparse, created in superduper 2.14), how do i set the permissions for that disk image?

i'm afraid of screwing with this image's permissions as i may need to boot from it at a later date.


dnanian 03-31-2007 07:44 AM

Well, you can't boot from a disk image anyway, so that's not something to worry about. But, since you're in a disk image, it might be easiest to set the host drive for the image to ignore ownership (using Finder).

picaman 02-28-2010 08:39 AM

Still applies?

Originally Posted by DavidMLewis (Post 6345)
I have a PowerBook that my wife and I share. I have it set to wake at 1:25 every morning, and I have a rotating schedule of backups to an external drive set to launch at 1:30. If my wife happens to have been the last user when we go to bed, the backup will fail.


I'd do exactly what you suggest: schedule for both users. Then, the one in front will run.
As this is an old thread [and this is exactly my question] just wanted to check that your answer still applies for current SuperDuper version + Snow Leopard.

Thanks for your work on this program, which has saved my bacon numerous times. Much cheaper than DriveSavers ; )

dnanian 02-28-2010 09:28 AM

Yep, same solution.

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