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gryphonent 08-03-2008 07:05 AM

Schedule & Scripts

Two questions/suggestions:

+ I have two different copy scripts that I want to be scheduled. However, the schedule does not seem to allow to designate the destination drive. How do I schedule copy script A to be executed at a given time and backup my internal harddrive to volume A, and also schedule copy script B at another time/date to backup only a certain number of files to volume B?

+ The after copy script field only allows for one script to be executed. I used to run the disable spotlight script, but have now switched to the prebinding script. How can I run both scripts after copying completes? It would be great to have the ability to select more than one script in each section under the advanced options.

All the best,
Jurgen Proschinger

dnanian 08-03-2008 09:31 AM

Hi, Jurgen.

You can schedule as many schedules -- and thus copy scripts/drives -- as you'd like. Every time you click "Schedule..." a new, independent schedule is created.

You're right, only one shell script can be run, but a single shell script could call others. But, in v2.5, there's no reason to use the disable spotlight script any more: just add the drive to the Spotlight Preference Pane's "Privacy" tab.

gryphonent 08-04-2008 05:34 AM

Thanks Dave!

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