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JoBoy 08-13-2009 04:55 PM

Macintosh HD stalls Disk Warrior
I just used the procedure described at the bottom of page 38 of the User Guide for copying Sandbox to Macintosh HD. I carefully followed the instruction. I have used this procedure several times in the past with excellent results. Today, I used it again with no problem. Macintosh HD works normally when I boot from it. I ran Disk Warrior v4.1.1 from its startup DVD and did its maintenance routines on Sandbox with no problem. Then, I attempted to run DW on Macintosh HD and DW stalled early in step 5. I waited several minutes and canceled it due to no progress.

I've never had this trouble before. I went back and repeated the procedure on page 38 carefully making sure I didn't vary from the instructions. Still, there is a problem.:confused:

I installed Security Update 2009-004 yesterday and 10.5.8 a few days ago. They've been working fine through a lot of use. This is the only problem. I'm posting here because it involves the Macintosh HD's relationship to the Sandbox. I did the Page 38 thing because I was getting ready to copy everything so I could change the partition size for Sandbox. It's getting a little tight and there's plenty of room for the Macintosh HD volume.

dnanian 08-13-2009 08:05 PM

I'm not sure what this has to do with Sandbox or SD, JoBoy: you were running from the DVD, right?

JoBoy 08-13-2009 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 26047)
I'm not sure what this has to do with Sandbox or SD, JoBoy: you were running from the DVD, right?

I'm afraid in my haste I failed to mention that I first encountered the problem when I used as a boot drive one of my bootable clones located on another internal drive. I do that when I'm using Disk Utility and DiskWarrior to maintain my main hard drive that contains Sandbox and Macintosh HD. The first time there was a problem was right after I'd copied Sandbox to Macintosh HD. After copying to Macintosh HD, I booted from another internal drive because I wanted to do maintenance on Macintosh HD before using it as the source to update the bootable clones on the other internal drives and the SD! sparse image on Time Capsule. I've recently updated to Adobe Creative Suite 4, Design Premium and have been using system 10.5.8 heavily since it first was released without any problems at all so I wanted to update all of the clones. Manually installing CS4 on each clone is an unreasonable burden. The page 38 procedure is my way of avoiding it. I also wanted to accomplish the mass updating before attempting to change the partition on the main hard drive. Sandbox has only 23Gb available and Macintosh HD has 72Gb available. I thought bumping up Sandbox to 50Gb available might help with performance on some of the Adobe apps.

The reason I made a connection between SD! and the problem with DiskWarrior is that the problem first occurred right after the page 38 procedure was run. I've been using DiskWarrior for many years and this is the first time I've ever had a problem with it. After encountering the problem while using a bootable clone, I tried using the DW's DVD, but I got the same result. I thought that, if you'd had any complaints about SD! and 10.5.8 or Security Update 2009-004, my situation would make sense to you. Since it does not, I'll just have to watch MacFixit to see if anything else pops up. Thanks for your kind response.:)

dnanian 08-13-2009 10:12 PM

Yeah, I don't think this has anything to do with SD - might be a problem with DW, but not anything I've heard of previously.

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