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mykmelez 11-09-2009 08:45 PM

SuperDuper! process disappears and leaves no log
Today I initiated a backup by plugging my external drive into my computer, whereupon SuperDuper! started up automatically, as it is configured to do. The backup started successfully, but at some point I noticed that SuperDuper! was no longer running. I restarted it and opened its log, but the log only contains entries from my previous backup (last Tuesday, November 3).

Did SuperDuper! crash (without triggering Mac OS X's crash reporting dialog)? Did it succeed but not write a new log?

I checked the syslog and found these entries, which were written around the general time I noticed that SuperDuper! wasn't running anymore, so they could have been written shortly before I noticed it:


Nov 9 17:25:55 host-5-99 SuperDuper![75670]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSOrderWindowList
Nov 9 17:25:55 host-5-99 SuperDuper![75670]: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
Nov 9 17:25:55 host-5-99 [0x0-0x5f55f5].com.blacey.SuperDuper![75670]: Mon Nov 9 17:25:55 SuperDuper![75670] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSOrderWindowList
Nov 9 17:25:55 host-5-99 [0x0-0x5f55f5].com.blacey.SuperDuper![75670]: Mon Nov 9 17:25:55 SuperDuper![75670] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
FWIW, the last few times I checked the backup's progress, it was in the same place, which is usually an indication that it's copying one of my large 20-40GB VMware Fusion VMs. I did not have Fusion running during the copy, though (so the VM copies would be consistent), although I did have other applications running (Terminal, Adium, Firefox, Thunderbird, and Komodo IDE).

dnanian 11-09-2009 10:17 PM

That's kind of weird: looks like it's indicating CoreGraphics failures... I can't see how it would crash without triggering the crash reporter. Strange.

Try restarting your Mac and re-running the backup...

mykmelez 11-10-2009 02:28 PM

I re-ran the backup, although I forgot to restart my Mac beforehand. I was away from my computer when it completed, although I did get a Growl notification that it had (it's possible I got one last time too and just didn't notice).

And there are no new messages in the syslog about SuperDuper!. But the SD log is still from November 3 and doesn't contain any info about today's backup.

I'll try restarting and backing up again.

dnanian 11-10-2009 02:52 PM

Was this a scheduled or manual copy? The logs for them are accessed two different ways - one from the button in the scheduled copies window, one from Window > Show Log.

mykmelez 11-10-2009 03:55 PM

Aha! It was a scheduled copy (scheduled to run automatically when I connect the drive). And I see the log now that I know where to look for it. But it looks like it only shows me the last backup, and since I've done a scheduled backup since the one that possibly crashed, I don't have the log file to refer to. I'll let you know if it happens again.

mykmelez 11-10-2009 04:48 PM

SD crashed on me a little while ago. I'd left it open after looking at the log for the scheduled backup, and a few minutes ago I noticed it was still running, so I used Command-Tab to return to it, whereupon Mac displayed the Problem Report for SuperDuper! dialog.

I copied the stack trace and other details from the dialog and can send them to you if it'd help.

dnanian 11-10-2009 06:18 PM

It was just idle? Please send the details in to support, along with a system profile report (in the default XML format, ZIPped). Thanks.

mykmelez 11-10-2009 09:06 PM

Yes, I think it was idle at the time (I hadn't started a backup beforehand). It wasn't clear how to send details to support, but I submitted a bug report, attaching the problem report and my system profile. I hope that was the right way to do it.

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