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fdwlaw 08-10-2006 05:02 PM

Time Machine
Hope this isn't a silly question but I have to ask. BTW, I think SD is a great product and will never abandon it.

Now to the question:

Is the new feature in OS10.5 "Time Machine (TM)" basically the same as SD? Did Apple take a little advice from you guys and gals at Shirt Pocket on the developement (hope so) of TM, and do you see SD working with the 10.5 (hope so again)?

dnanian 08-10-2006 07:44 PM

They're really not at all the same, actually. I can't go into detail, since anything that wasn't in the keynote is under non-disclosure... but I'll be posting a discussion on my blog when I finish it.

And, yes: SD! will work with Leopard, alongside Time Machine, and do good & useful stuff, have no fear.

davep 08-14-2006 09:09 AM

Time Machine has been around for awhile
Here's a link to a product for Mac System 8 & 9 called Rewind:


On the box is a quote from a product review published in MacWeek, dated 2000: "It's like a time machine for your Mac."

It never really caught on, but it was the same concept. I'm glad Apple picked up the concept and is making it a standard feature. And I'm glad to hear Shirt Pocket will keep adding value to SD!

dnanian 08-14-2006 10:11 AM

The "unique" part of Time Machine is its integrated nature, not really what it's doing, which is pretty conventional and has been available for a long time on many platforms...

john love 08-21-2006 02:46 PM

Thank goodness SD will stick around

Understand about the non-disclosure stuff. However, I am more than technically curious about Time Machine having to have a dedicated hard drive, or at least a very large partition ... if it's going to keep around various versions of every Word document back to the days of when 10.5 was first loaded, or whatever -- that could be years.

If that is a valid technical assessment, and especially if you are commited to keep SD around, why would you ever need Time Machine data for more than a week or so (assuming you smart update a .dmg every week).

John Love

dnanian 08-21-2006 03:46 PM

It's a good question, John, that I've addressed in a general sense in my blog post The Ninety-Nine-Per-Cent Solution. Time Machine's approach doesn't really change my general opinion there...

john love 08-27-2006 11:19 AM

99 percent solution
Dave, that conversation between you and Peter da Silva was quite an education.

I'm not smart enough to comment on the technical content ... but for sure I laughed when someone (obviously in a hurry) typed "SuperDumper".

John Love

dnanian 08-28-2006 12:44 PM

There's a new post up there specifically about Time Machine, too, if you'd like to take a look, John (and everyone else).

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