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kaalm 05-11-2005 02:47 PM

Laptop freezes buring backup
Backing up a powerbook G4 to a lacie 250G firewire harddrive. Harddrive has been mac formatted. When I select backup and go it starts the process fine but the halts/freezes when only a few percent into backup requiring a hard reboot. Any suggestions?

I am doing a complete backup with destination drive erase and saving an image. Thank.

dnanian 05-11-2005 05:54 PM

Crashes right away? That's pretty unusual: do you get a "kernel panic" (reboot screen), or does the whole thing just lock up?

If you could send a System Profiler report into support (run System Profiler, File | Save to XML, attach to mail message), that'd help me diagnose your issue...

kaalm 05-12-2005 11:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Comp freezes with no warning. Below is info requested.

dnanian 05-12-2005 12:41 PM

OK -- this isn't a system profiler report, but I can see from here that you're running Norton Utilities, which is likely the cause of your hang.

Let me suggest that you turn off Volume Saver and AutoProtect, as well as most other "automatic" features of Norton, and give it another shot.

kaalm 05-12-2005 04:00 PM

Turnned off Norton, etc and backup proceeded fine until the very end when I received an error message and the following log (edited to comply to space requirements):

[***] Thursday, May 12, 2005 02:44:47
|02:44:47 PM|Info| SuperDuper!, version 74, path: /Applications/Super Duper/SuperDuper!.app, OS: 10.3.9 (7W98)
|02:44:47 PM|Info| Source Drive: /, name: Macintosh HD, device: /dev/disk0s9 type: hfs, OS: 10.3.9 (7W98), capacity: 74.52 GB, used: 26.20 GB, directories: 59924, files: 226756
|02:44:47 PM|Info| Target Drive: /Volumes/David's Backup Drive, name: David's Backup Drive, device: /dev/disk1s3 type: hfs, OS: N/A, capacity: 232.76 GB, used: 3.89 GB, directories: 1969, files: 16775
|02:44:47 PM|Info| Copy Mode : Erase, then copy files
|02:44:47 PM|Info| Copy Script : Backup - all files.dset
|02:44:47 PM|Info| Transcript : BuildTranscript.plist
|02:44:47 PM|Info| PHASE: Volume Preparation
|02:44:47 PM|Info| ...ACTION: Erase David's Backup Drive
|02:44:47 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Erasing David's Backup Drive
|02:44:59 PM|Info| Allocated 24576K for journal file.
|02:44:59 PM|Info| Journaling has been enabled on /dev/disk1s3
|02:44:59 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Restoring David's Backup Drive UUID (BA9C8843715535BF)
|02:44:59 PM|Info| ...ACTION: Enable Permissions
|02:44:59 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on Macintosh HD
|02:44:59 PM|Info| Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
|02:44:59 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for Macintosh HD
|02:44:59 PM|Info| Permissions on '/' are enabled.
|02:44:59 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on David's Backup Drive
|02:44:59 PM|Info| Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
|02:45:00 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for David's Backup Drive
|02:45:00 PM|Info| Permissions on '/Volumes/David's Backup Drive' are enabled.
|02:45:00 PM|Info| PHASE: Clone from Source to Target
|02:45:00 PM|Info| ...ACTION: Copy Files from Macintosh HD to David's Backup Drive
|02:45:00 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Cloning Macintosh HD to David's Backup Drive
|02:45:00 PM|Info| Copying all files using script: /Applications/Super Duper/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Backup - all files.dset
|02:45:00 PM|Info| Loading 19 commands from copy script /Applications/Super Duper/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude system temporary files.dset
|02:45:00 PM|Info| Loading 1 commands from copy script /Applications/Super Duper/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude Norton FileSaver files.dset
|02:45:00 PM|Info| Loading 2 commands from copy script /Applications/Super Duper/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Backup - all files.dset
|02:45:00 PM|Info| Copy script command hash contains 45 commands
|02:46:58 PM|Info| Ignoring /Volumes/David's Backup Drive
|02:46:58 PM|Info| Ignoring /Volumes/Macintosh HD
|02:52:00 PM|Info| Ignoring /.Trashes
|02:52:00 PM|Info| Ignoring /.vol
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/automount/Network
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/db/volinfo.database
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/db/BootCache.playlist
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/run
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.0.2TlBu4
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.0.MPPoix
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.0.xYzEbD
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.1.A04DuL
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.1.qwfxCU
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/mds
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.0.KAIRby
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.4.zROHHM
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.5.eD7Ytg
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.5.lXR8Uq
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.7.pRuFkh
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.0.ejYZbe
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.3.JJqfOV
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.3.KdBFey
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/41a356e125297
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.8.bJIVKC
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/41af4645a21b0
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/41bdaff12a096
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/41dd502ddf7e6
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/41e82042e8c30
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/41f53d264888c
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/420bd7fdb2183
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/423084b32b1f4
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/4230b5670331d
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/4230ba08c9de2
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/4256af2daa95d
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/tmp/BlankFile
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /private/var/vm
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /mach.sym
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /Norton FS Data
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /Norton FS Index
|03:48:15 PM|Info| Ignoring /Norton FS Volume
|03:48:16 PM|Info| Ignoring /Norton FS Volume 2
|03:48:16 PM|Info| Ignoring /mach
|03:48:16 PM|Info| Ignoring /Desktop DF
|03:48:16 PM|Info| Ignoring /Desktop DB
|03:48:16 PM|Info| Scanned 286427 items occupying 25.82 GB (59921 directories, 223289 files, 3217 symlinks)
|03:48:16 PM|Info| Copied 286283 items totaling 25.56 GB (59881 directories, 223187 files, 3215 symlinks)
|03:48:16 PM|Info| Cloned 25.56 GB of data in 3796 seconds at an effective transfer rate of 6.90 MB/s
|03:48:17 PM|Info| PHASE: Conclude Target Setup
|03:48:17 PM|Info| ...ACTION: Bless System on David's Backup Drive
|03:48:17 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Blessing OS X System Folder
|03:48:18 PM|Info| Successfully blessed Mac OS X folder on David's Backup Drive
|03:48:18 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Blessing OS 9 System Folder
|03:48:18 PM|Info| Successfully blessed Mac OS 9 System Folder on David's Backup Drive
|03:48:18 PM|Info| ...ACTION: Creating ASR Image of David's Backup Drive
|03:48:18 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Checking to see if volume David's Backup Drive can be unmounted safely
|03:48:21 PM|Info| disk1s3 device will attempt to be mounted ...
|03:48:21 PM|Info| ***Disk Appeared ('disk0',Mountpoint = '', fsType = '', volName = '')
|03:48:21 PM|Info| ***Disk Appeared ('disk0s1',Mountpoint = '', fsType = '', volName = '')
|03:48:21 PM|Info| ***Disk Appeared ('disk0s2',Mountpoint = '', fsType = '', volName = '')
|03:48:21 PM|Info| ***Disk Appeared ('disk0s3',Mountpoint = '', fsType = '', volName = '')
|03:48:21 PM|Info| ***Disk Appeared ('disk0s4',Mountpoint = '', fsType = '', volName = '')
|03:48:21 PM|Info| ***Disk Appeared ('disk0s5',Mountpoint = '', fsType = '', volName = '')
|03:48:21 PM|Info| ***Disk Appeared ('disk0s6',Mountpoint = '', fsType = '', volName = '')
|03:48:21 PM|Info| ***Disk Appeared ('disk0s7',Mountpoint = '', fsType = '', volName = '')
|03:48:21 PM|Info| ***Disk Appeared ('disk0s8',Mountpoint = '', fsType = '', volName = '')
|03:48:21 PM|Info| ***Disk Appeared ('disk0s9',Mountpoint = '/', fsType = 'hfs', volName = 'Macintosh HD')
|03:48:21 PM|Info| ***Disk Appeared ('disk1',Mountpoint = '', fsType = '', volName = '')
|03:48:21 PM|Info| ***Disk Appeared ('disk1s1',Mountpoint = '', fsType = '', volName = '')
|03:48:21 PM|Info| ***Disk Appeared ('disk1s3',Mountpoint = '', fsType = 'hfs', volName = 'David's Backup Drive')
|03:48:21 PM|Info| Disk Mounting Completed
|03:48:21 PM|Info| Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
|03:48:21 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Unmounting David's Backup Drive
|03:48:26 PM|Info| Volume /Volumes/David's Backup Drive unmounted
|03:48:26 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Creating ASR Image /Users/davidstuart/Documents/May 05 Image.dmg of volume David's Backup Drive
|03:48:27 PM|Error| hdiutil: convert failed - image/device is too large

dnanian 05-12-2005 04:15 PM

OK. Glad disabling Norton fixed your hang -- that stuff is evil and buggy.

The other problem is a known issue in 10.3.9 (see this FAQ) -- basically, a bug in Apple's disk image code. We're hoping they're going to fix it.

There's a workaround in the FAQ.

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