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MacMedix 09-19-2005 07:17 PM

Partitioning & Bu Strategy & scripts
I have these 4 internal HD volumes (actually 2 internal HD's):
* Black Cat 127.9 gig,18gb free. (usual panther boot volume)
* More 58 gig used / 30 gb avail.
* Boot Tools 5.2 gb, 2.9gb free.
* Temp70 69gb, 57gb free.

I have a 200 gig ext FW hd, currently in 2 volumes: 40gb & 146gb.

I plan to use Cronnix to run a back up script nightly. I would like to have a bootable back up "Black Cat" but I don't need bootable bu's of the others. So, it seems to me that there is but one "reasonable" choice and that is to partition my ext FW drive into a 130gb volume, and a 56gb volume (or whatever is actually left). then I can SuperDupe Black Cat to the 130 GB FW volume, and SuperDupe the others to disk images on the 56gb W volume. I do know that using disk images takes a lot more time, and possibly a lot more free space if/when it converts the sparseimage into a dmg.

* Does this partition & BU strategy sound logical?
* Is there a way to not need to convert the sparse images to dmg? That would then not require so much extra free space.
* How will the disk image format affect smart updates? I'm using the Backup All files (smart update) script.
* I will need to create a separate applescript "Daily BackUp" for each volume I BU don't I? Then set them to fire off separately.
*Will SD! queue up more scripts if the current script isn't finished yet? Or do I need to somehow make sure that the previous script is finished before starting the next one?


dnanian 09-19-2005 09:09 PM

Hi, MacMedix.

Your partitioning strategy seems reasonable.

I wouldn't use DMGs for the other backups: as you said, a sparse image would be more reasonable. The FAQ has data about how to use them -- see "How do I update an image?" there for more.

You will need to edit the Daily Backup script, change the settings in there, and save it (as an application) with a different name for each volume. I believe the 1.5.5 script deals with a SuperDuper! that's busy, so that shouldn't be a problem.

This'll all get a lot easier in v2.0, too...

Hope that helps!

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