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jotaro 09-20-2007 04:06 PM

sparse image creep revisited
I've read a couple of previous threads on this topic and I still don't understand what the solution is.

I perform a daily backup of personal files, about 14 GB, to a sparse image located on a partition that is 200 GB and contains nothing but the sparse image. Until about a month ago, daily backup took about 2 minutes. Suddenly it jumped to 13 minutes. I thought it odd but kind of ignored it until recently. I discovered that the finder says the sparse image is 184 GB!, and that I only have 16 GB to spare.

I did an erase and copy, but got same results.

I backup the entire Hard Drive once a week to another partition and that is only 113 GB total!

So what exactly is the solution for backing up to a sparse image on its own separate partition? Do I have to erase the entire partition and throw the sparse image away—and then create a new sparse image? Do that every month or so??? Start with a sparse image of 14 GB and watch it march toward 184 GB?

I am not a programmer and don't know how to invent a script to clean out the volume automatically.


dnanian 09-20-2007 06:04 PM

Have you considered creating a partition of the proper size and backing up to that, rather than to an image?

jotaro 09-20-2007 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 14227)
Have you considered creating a partition of the proper size and backing up to that, rather than to an image?

That is what I was thinking before I purchased SuperDuper and read the manual. I read about sparse images and the great advantage they offer: that you can use a sparse image to back up to a partition where you want to store other files. Rather than create yet another small partition for my daily backup, why not back up to a sparse image on a partition I use for other storage? Excellent! So far I haven't placed other files on that partition, just the sparse image, but my plan is to do so.

Sure, I could create yet another smaller partition, although I think the process will wipe out all the existing partitions and I will have to recreate all the partitions and the several backups and file storages all over again.

Is the current state of development of sparse images still buggy and volatile, requiring a certain level of sophistication beyond that of a vanilla user like myself? Is that why it would best to avoid sparse images altogether?


dnanian 09-20-2007 08:20 PM

No, not terribly, just that -- as mentioned in the 'guide -- it's better to partition if you can.

What I think I'd suggest is to create the image yourself with a smaller maximum size, then use that in SD. If you drop me a note to support, I'll provide you with some instructions.

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