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uphere 04-15-2004 10:06 PM

Failed install
I just attempted to run SD but get an error essage that says it unexpectedly quit then the help file opens.

What's up? Does SD not like something I have on my computer?

dnanian 04-15-2004 10:31 PM

I'm not sure, given what you've supplied. It's not something we're aware of in the current version (v1.2 had an issue where it would crash on launch if there were two volumes named the same thing under OS X 10.2.8, but I assume you're running the new version).

You should find a crash log in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/SuperDuper!.crash.log. Could you send that file to I'll take a look and see what I can see.

Thanks, and sorry for the problem!

dnanian 04-15-2004 10:53 PM

Based on the log you provided, it looks like something in the version check code is failing, which is strange: we'll have to create another 10.2.8 system here to test with, and see if we can simulate the problem.

In the meantime, we can disable the version check to try to work around the issue. To do so, quit SuperDuper! if it's running (obviously, if it keeps crashing, it can't be running -- sorry, but I'm trying to be thorough) open the Terminal application and execute the following command:

defaults write "Automatically Check For New Versions" com.blacey.SuperDuper! -bool false

(I don't know how this is going to wrap, but all of that should be on one line.)

Then, try starting SuperDuper! again. This time, it should start without an error.

Let me know! We'll be back to you, via email, once we create a sample 10.2.8 configuration to reproduce the problem. Is there anything about your system that we should know before we do that?

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