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putz3000 05-18-2011 04:32 PM

applying image to multiple iMac's
I am tasked with installing/configuring 11 iMac's. I would rather not do this one machine at a time since they all basically need the same applications and settings.

I know 4 of the machines are identical. the other 7 will be pretty identical or close to it.

I have used SuperDuper! in the past, but never tried this. Can SuperDuper! make this task easier? Is this only available through the advanced mode (i.e. sandbox mode)? Am I able to just make a simple clone w/out using advanced features and then apply it to the other machines?

dnanian 05-18-2011 04:40 PM

Certainly you can take a drive between all of them and restore to the iMac - if they all have the same drives, I'd use a read-only disk image. But they all have to be able to run the version of the OS you're restoring...

putz3000 05-18-2011 04:47 PM

just to be clear, if I make a read only image of iMac #1 and save it to a external firewire drive I should then be able to load that image to all other iMac's correct?

I would still need to change network settings to be different and change name of Mac's, but other than that it should work - right?

4 of the iMac's are running same OS - Apple OEM install. The other 7 I believe or same OSX but retail install. Would any of this change anything?

dnanian 05-18-2011 04:50 PM

Assuming the other iMacs can run the same version of the OS, etc, yes. You will have to change the various names, of course.

None of that should change anything but, again, they all have to be able to run the OS version you're going to copy to them. You may want to create a test bootable version on a drive, take it to each of them and see if they can boot from it.

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