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Nick 01-17-2010 10:24 PM

Backup Failure
I created a new script to back up my internal HD to a second external HD, with the exception of one rather large folder. I followed the instructions in the User's Guide (beginning on p. 20).

I now have two separate backup scripts in my Scheduled Copies: The "normal" one that backs up up my entire internal drive to an external drive, and a "new" one that backs up almost my entire internal drive to another external drive.

My "normal" backup is scheduled to occur at about 1 AM; I scheduled the "new" one to occur at about 11 PM. Because I anticipated that the first run of the "new" backup would run into the "normal" backup, I decided to manually request the "normal" backup to run first. So a short while ago I initiated the manual backup, and it immediately failed with the following error message:

| 10:10:51 PM | Error | The bundled copy scripts have been altered. Please re-install SuperDuper!

Why did this happen; why do I have to reinstall SD!, recreate the scripts/schedules. etc.; and how do I prevent this from happening again?

dnanian 01-18-2010 08:03 AM

You likely either changed a built-in copy script, or you saved your copy script in "Standard Scripts" rather than in "Copy Scripts" above it. Move your custom script up to 'Copy Scripts'...

Nick 01-18-2010 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 28511)
You likely either changed a built-in copy script, or you saved your copy script in "Standard Scripts" rather than in "Copy Scripts" above it. Move your custom script up to 'Copy Scripts'...

Well, I guess it goes back to the confusion I had (and still have) about these folders in my "Log Jam" thread....

The "Copy Scripts" folder is in SD!'s Resources folder. The script I created is, in fact, in the Copy Scripts folder. Now, the only "Standard Scripts" reference I see is not a folder, but an alias which only appears in the Copy Scripts window that opens when I go to File > Open Copy Script... in the menubar. Double clicking on that alias causes it to be replaced by (i.e., the window to be re-populated with) all of the "standard" scripts, along with the one that I created.

So, it seems that all scripts are piled together in the Copy Scripts folder in the Resources folder. But the actual folder contains only those scripts—it does not contain the alias to the Standard Scripts folder (which shows up only in the Copy Scripts window as I described above). So, if I need to move the script I created out of the Copy Scripts folder into the Standard Scripts folder, I first need to locate the actual Standard Scripts folder...and I simply don't see it and can't find it.

dnanian 01-18-2010 09:53 AM

No, the Standard Scripts folder is a link to folder inside SD!'s bundle. Copy Scripts is in ~/Library/Application Support/SuperDuper!, and is an actual folder (with the Standard Scripts link inside it).

Nick 01-18-2010 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 28513)
No, the Standard Scripts folder is a link to folder inside SD!'s bundle. Copy Scripts is in ~/Library/Application Support/SuperDuper!, and is an actual folder (with the Standard Scripts link inside it).

Back to Abbott and Costello, eh? :p

So, I have two Copy Scripts folders: One in SD!'s Resources folder, the other in the Application Support folder in my Library., am I to drag the script I created, which currently is in /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts, into ~/Library/Application Support/SuperDuper!/Copy Scripts, so that it ends up sitting alongside the Standard Scripts alias (or, perhaps more accurately, "link")?

dnanian 01-18-2010 10:41 AM

You will find that "Standard Scripts" is a link to that Copy Scripts folder in Resources. So, you need not go into the application bundle yourself to find it - just move the file from "Standard Scripts" to its parent, ~/Library/Application Support/SuperDuper!/Copy Scripts.

Nick 01-18-2010 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 28515)
You will find that "Standard Scripts" is a link to that Copy Scripts folder in Resources. So, you need not go into the application bundle yourself to find it - just move the file from "Standard Scripts" to its parent, ~/Library/Application Support/SuperDuper!/Copy Scripts.

I think that's what I said/asked. The one thing that bothers me, however, is your reference to "Standard Scripts," as if it were indeed its own folder. It's not—it's a link in the Copy Scripts folder in ~/Library/Application Support/SuperDuper! that takes you to the Copy Scripts folder in SD!'s bundle (in /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources).

dnanian 01-18-2010 11:06 AM

Yes, I'm aware of that, and recognize it's not a 'real' folder, which is why I called it a link.

Nick 01-18-2010 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 28517)
Yes, I'm aware of that, and recognize it's not a 'real' folder, which is why I called it a link.

I know you're aware of it—after all, it's your product!:D Not being all that clear about how things are structured "under the hood" and not being a software developer myself, however, I just want to be sure I haven't misunderstood what you said.

I'll move the script into the Copy Scripts folder in SD!'s Applications Support folder, so that it ends up sitting alongside the Standard Scripts link. I'll then test everything out.

(I assume that I need not do anything to/with the "Scheduled Copies" window, which has an entry for each of the scripts—i.e., the one I've been using plus this new one that I created and am moving into SD!'s Applications Support folder, correct?)

dnanian 01-18-2010 12:20 PM

Correct. I don't believe you have to recreate your schedule, but if you get an error about not being able to find the script (because it moved) you can do so.

Scheduled copies has an entry for each schedule you've created. Each of those can have a different script, the same script, etc - each is basically a separate settings document, and the script (along with the drives, options, etc) are contained within.

Nick 01-19-2010 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 28519)
Correct. I don't believe you have to recreate your schedule, but if you get an error about not being able to find the script (because it moved) you can do so.

Scheduled copies has an entry for each schedule you've created. Each of those can have a different script, the same script, etc - each is basically a separate settings document, and the script (along with the drives, options, etc) are contained within.

Well, I’m unsure what has happened.

I followed through with your instructions. There were then two scheduled “Smart Update” backups listed in the Scheduled Copies window:

Smart Update Nick’s HD Clone from Nick’s HD (this is the original backup script, scheduled to occur daily at 1:10 AM)


Smart Update LaCie from Nick’s HD (this is the “new” backup script, scheduled to occur daily at 11:10 PM)

The difference between the two scripts is that the first one is the standard “Backup – all files” script; the second one is the new one I created, “Backup – all files, except Copies of Backups folder,” where “Copies of Backups folder” is a 47.67 GB folder of old files that I had saved from my previous OS 9 machine when I got my current machine a year-and-ahalf ago. (Since I’ve long-ago saved the files from that folder to various folders on my current internal HD, I’ll likely soon be deleting the “Copies of Backups folder,” as my internal drive is getting pretty full.)

I then manually initiated the backup to the LaCie (the “new” scheduled backup), as I knew it would take a long time, and likely would run into the above scheduled backups later on in the evening. FWIW, I had a lot of stuff on the LaCie drive—files I had been saving to it by “dragging and dropping” from my internal drive for several months. Perhaps I should’ve erased it first, but I decided to let SD! handle that as it did its first “Smart Update.”

Things appeared to be working fine, though it was extremely slow. When the times for the actual scheduled backups arrived, they each showed up in red color in the Scheduled Copies window, with spinning gears next to them. But the “Smart Update LaCie” backup was still proceeding, so I didn’t give it any thought.

This morning, after more than 20 hours, the “Smart Update LaCie” still was running, and based upon the progress it had made, appeared to me that it would be completed in a couple of more hours. I was out for a few hours, and when I returned, I found a Growl notification that the backup had failed. I opened the log, and here’s what I found:

| 12:57:16 PM | Info | SuperDuper!, 2.6.2 (87), path: /Applications/SuperDuper!.app, Mac OS 10.5.8 build 9L31a (i386)
| 12:57:16 PM | Info | Started on Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 12:57 PM
| 12:57:16 PM | Info | Source Volume: Nick's HD, mount: /, device: /dev/disk0s2, media: Hitachi HDP725032GLA380, interconnect: Internal SATA, file system: "Journaled HFS+", OS: 10.5.8 (9L31a), capacity: 297.77 GiB, used: 266.49 GiB, directories: 109756, files: 1291528, ejectable: NO, ACLs: Enabled
| 12:57:16 PM | Info | Target Volume: LaCie, mount: /Volumes/LaCie, device: /dev/disk3s2, media: SEAGATE ST3320820A, interconnect: External USB, file system: "Journaled HFS+", OS: 10.5.8 (9L31a), capacity: 297.77 GiB, used: 217.74 GiB, directories: 97629, files: 1161058, ejectable: YES, ACLs: Enabled
| 12:57:16 PM | Info | Copy Mode : Smart Update
| 12:57:16 PM | Info | Copy Script : Backup - all files, except Copies of Backups folder.dset
| 12:57:16 PM | Info | Transcript : BuildTranscript.plist
| 12:57:17 PM | Info | PHASE: 1. Prepare to Copy Files
| 12:57:17 PM | Info | ...ACTION: Preparing Nick's HD
| 12:57:17 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying the integrity of volinfo.database
| 12:57:18 PM | Info | volinfo.database OK
| 12:57:18 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on Nick's HD
| 12:57:18 PM | Info | Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
| 12:57:19 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for Nick's HD
| 12:57:19 PM | Info | Permissions on '/' are enabled.
| 12:57:19 PM | Info | ...ACTION: Preparing LaCie
| 12:57:19 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on LaCie
| 12:57:19 PM | Info | Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
| 12:57:20 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for LaCie
| 12:57:20 PM | Info | Permissions on '/Volumes/LaCie' are enabled.
| 12:57:20 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying that LaCie ACL support matches Nick's HD
| 12:57:20 PM | Info | ...ACTION: Preserving Spotlight state on LaCie
| 12:57:20 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Disabling Spotlight search indexing on LaCie
| 12:57:20 PM | Info | PHASE: 2. Copy Files
| 12:57:20 PM | Info | ...ACTION: Copying files from Nick's HD to LaCie using Smart Update
| 12:57:20 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Cloning Nick's HD to LaCie
| 12:57:20 PM | Info | Copying copy files with delete using script: /Users/Nick/Library/Application Support/SuperDuper!/Copy Scripts/Standard Scripts/Backup - all files, except Copies of Backups folder.dset
| 12:57:21 PM | Error | SDCopy: Copy script: /Users/Nick/Library/Application Support/SuperDuper!/Copy Scripts/Standard Scripts/Backup - all files, except Copies of Backups folder.dset does not exist\n: No such file or directory
| 12:57:21 PM | Error | ****FAILED****: result=256 errno=22 (Unknown error: 0)

Besides the fact that it failed, the time indicated was clearly inconsistent with the time I actually initiated the backup: It says it started today (not yesterday) at 12:57 PM, when in fact I had initiated it yesterday afternoon. Stranger still, a short while later SD! Began another backup—the “standard” backup (“Smart Update Nick’s HD Clone”), which it promptly completed:


dnanian 01-19-2010 04:16 PM

Right, and this is what I was concerned about - since the script moved, you'll have to delete and recreate it. Why it started at the time it did, I don't know.

Nick 01-19-2010 04:20 PM


Besides the fact that it failed, the time indicated was clearly inconsistent with the time I actually initiated the backup: It says it started today (not yesterday) at 12:57 PM, when in fact I had initiated it yesterday afternoon. Stranger still, a short while later SD! began another backup—the “standard” backup (“Smart Update Nick’s HD Clone”), which it promptly completed:

| 12:57:41 PM | Info | SuperDuper!, 2.6.2 (87), path: /Applications/SuperDuper!.app, Mac OS 10.5.8 build 9L31a (i386)
| 12:57:41 PM | Info | Started on Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 12:57 PM
| 12:57:41 PM | Info | Source Volume: Nick's HD, mount: /, device: /dev/disk0s2, media: Hitachi HDP725032GLA380, interconnect: Internal SATA, file system: "Journaled HFS+", OS: 10.5.8 (9L31a), capacity: 297.77 GiB, used: 266.49 GiB, directories: 109756, files: 1291515, ejectable: NO, ACLs: Enabled
| 12:57:41 PM | Info | Target Volume: Nick's HD Clone, mount: /Volumes/Nick's HD Clone, device: /dev/disk4s5, media: LaCie d2 quadra, interconnect: External FireWire, file system: "Journaled HFS+", OS: 10.5.8 (9L31a), capacity: 348.30 GiB, used: 267.93 GiB, directories: 113005, files: 1316674, ejectable: YES, ACLs: Enabled
| 12:57:41 PM | Info | Copy Mode : Smart Update
| 12:57:41 PM | Info | Copy Script : Backup - all files.dset
| 12:57:41 PM | Info | Transcript : BuildTranscript.plist
| 12:57:42 PM | Info | PHASE: 1. Prepare to Copy Files
| 12:57:42 PM | Info | ...ACTION: Preparing Nick's HD
| 12:57:42 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying the integrity of volinfo.database
| 12:57:42 PM | Info | volinfo.database OK
| 12:57:42 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on Nick's HD
| 12:57:42 PM | Info | Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
| 12:57:42 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for Nick's HD
| 12:57:42 PM | Info | Permissions on '/' are enabled.
| 12:57:42 PM | Info | ...ACTION: Preparing Nick's HD Clone
| 12:57:42 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on Nick's HD Clone
| 12:57:42 PM | Info | Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
| 12:57:43 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for Nick's HD Clone
| 12:57:43 PM | Info | Permissions on '/Volumes/Nick's HD Clone' are enabled.
| 12:57:43 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying that Nick's HD Clone ACL support matches Nick's HD
| 12:57:43 PM | Info | ...ACTION: Preserving Spotlight state on Nick's HD Clone
| 12:57:43 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Disabling Spotlight search indexing on Nick's HD Clone
| 12:57:43 PM | Info | PHASE: 2. Copy Files
| 12:57:43 PM | Info | ...ACTION: Copying files from Nick's HD to Nick's HD Clone using Smart Update
| 12:57:43 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Cloning Nick's HD to Nick's HD Clone
| 12:57:43 PM | Info | Copying copy files with delete using script: /Users/Nick/Library/Application Support/SuperDuper!/Copy Scripts/Standard Scripts/Backup - all files.dset
| 12:57:44 PM | Info | Loading 27 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude system temporary files.dset
| 12:57:44 PM | Info | Loading 6 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude system cache files.dset
| 12:57:44 PM | Info | Loading 1 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude Norton FileSaver files.dset
| 12:57:44 PM | Info | Loading 2 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude Google Desktop Index files.dset
| 12:57:44 PM | Info | Loading 1 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude iTunes Temporary files.dset
| 12:57:44 PM | Info | Loading 0 commands from copy script /Users/Nick/Library/Application Support/SuperDuper!/Copy Scripts/Standard Scripts/Backup - all files.dset
| 12:57:47 PM | Info | /
| 12:57:47 PM | Info | /.vol
| 12:57:47 PM | Info | Ignoring /.vol
| 12:57:47 PM | Info | /cores
| 12:57:47 PM | Info | /Network
| 12:57:47 PM | Info | /bin
| 12:57:47 PM | Info | /System
| 12:59:26 PM | Info | /private
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/folders/-H
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/folders/Pi
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/folders/zz
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/vm/swapfile0
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/vm/swapfile1
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/vm/swapfile2
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/vm/swapfile3
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/vm/swapfile4
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/vm/swapfile5
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/usbmuxd
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/syslog
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/mDNSResponder
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/cupsd
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/asl_input
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/automount.initialized
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/mach.sym
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/mds
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/utmpx
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/pppconfd
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/portmap.socket
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/cups
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/.DSRunningSP1
| 12:59:29 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/.autoBackup
| 12:59:50 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/db/volinfo.database
| 12:59:50 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/tmp/.BlankFile
| 12:59:50 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.0.zqWEg8
| 12:59:50 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.1.1PW0iI
| 12:59:50 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/tmp/tmp.2.wfck3Q
| 12:59:50 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/tmp/


Nick 01-19-2010 04:22 PM


| 12:59:50 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/tmp/BonjourPrinters.plist
| 12:59:50 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/tmp/Nick
| 12:59:50 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/tmp/etilqs_s7yB2paaelStBPa
| 12:59:50 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/tmp/com.econtechnologies.chronoagent.local
| 12:59:50 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/tmp/launchd
| 12:59:50 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/tmp/mds
| 12:59:53 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/tmp/MobileDevice.log
| 12:59:53 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/tmp/launchd-120.Eh2ds8
| 12:59:53 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/tmp/launch-hldZKa
| 12:59:53 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/tmp/launch-YOz29H
| 12:59:53 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/tmp/launch-WfznBc
| 12:59:53 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/tmp/icssuis501
| 12:59:53 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/tmp/ics165
| 12:59:53 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/tmp/target221.indexState
| 12:59:53 PM | Info | Ignoring /private/tmp/target19804.indexState
| 12:59:53 PM | Info | Ignoring /Desktop DF
| 12:59:53 PM | Info | Ignoring /Desktop DB
| 12:59:53 PM | Info | /Users
| 02:33:21 PM | Info | /usr
| 02:34:06 PM | Info | /.Spotlight-V100
| 02:34:06 PM | Info | Preserving /.Spotlight-V100
| 02:34:06 PM | Info | /sbin
| 02:34:06 PM | Info | Ignoring /.hotfiles.btree
| 02:34:06 PM | Info | /Developer
| 02:35:54 PM | Info | /Library
| 02:37:12 PM | Info | /.Trashes
| 02:37:12 PM | Info | /Copies of Backups
| 02:50:03 PM | Info | /Applications
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | /dev
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | /net
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | /home
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | /Volumes
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | Ignoring /Volumes/TechTool Pro 4 DVD
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | Ignoring /Volumes/Mac OS X Install Disc 2
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | Ignoring /Volumes/Mac OS X Install Disc 1
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | Ignoring /Volumes/.vbt5
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | Ignoring /Volumes/LaCie d2 Quadra
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | Ignoring /Volumes/CompUSA Western Digital
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | Ignoring /Volumes/.DS_Store
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | Ignoring /Volumes/Seagate Barracuda
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | Ignoring /Volumes/DiskWarriorCD
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | Ignoring /Volumes/Nick's HD Clone
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | Ignoring /Volumes/LaCie
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | Ignoring /Volumes/Nick's HD
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | /.fseventsd
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | Preserving /.fseventsd
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | Evaluated 1399966 items occupying 265.56 GiB (109755 directories, 1276516 files, 13695 symlinks)
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | Copied 285509 items totaling 21.58 GiB (2515 directories, 282822 files, 172 symlinks)
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | Cloned 263.09 GiB of data in 6895 seconds at an effective transfer rate of 39.07 MiB/s
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Resetting Custom Icon bit on Nick's HD Clone
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | PHASE: 3. After Successful Copy
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | ...ACTION: Making Nick's HD Clone bootable
| 02:52:39 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Blessing OS X System Folder
| 02:52:40 PM | Info | Successfully blessed Mac OS X folder on Nick's HD Clone
| 02:52:40 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Blessing OS 9 System Folder
| 02:52:40 PM | Info | Did not bless Mac OS 9 System Folder on Nick's HD Clone because it does not exist.
| 02:52:40 PM | Info | ...ACTION: Updating prebinding on Nick's HD Clone
| 02:52:40 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Updating boot cache on '/Volumes/Nick'\''s HD Clone'
| 02:52:46 PM | Info | update_dyld_shared_cache[21363] current cache invalid because /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/PubSub has changed
| 02:52:56 PM | Info | update_dyld_shared_cache[21363] current cache invalid because /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib has changed
| 02:53:06 PM | Info | update_dyld_shared_cache[21363] current cache invalid because /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib has changed
| 02:53:13 PM | Info | Successfully updated boot cache on Nick's HD Clone
| 02:53:13 PM | Info | ...ACTION: Restoring Spotlight state on Nick's HD Clone
| 02:53:13 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Restoring Spotlight search indexing state on Nick's HD Clone
| 02:53:14 PM | Info | /Volumes/Nick's HD Clone:
| 02:53:14 PM | Info | Indexing and searching disabled.
| 02:53:14 PM | Info | Indexing enabled on Nick's HD Clone
| 02:53:14 PM | Info | Copy complete.

What strikes me as odd here is the main SD! window that shows the progress and remains open after the backup has been completed: While it correctly shows that it was backing up to my clone drive (“Nick's HD Clone”), the “to” volume in the toolbar area says “LaCie,” and the “using” script in the toolbar says “Backup – all files, except Copies of Backups folder,” which suggests that SD! was backing up not to “Nick's HD Clone,” but to “LaCie.”

I then compared the contents of the LaCie to the contents of my internal drive. After accounting for the 47.67 GB “Copies of Backups folder,” it certainly appears that—despite the reported failure of SD! to perform the backup due to its inability to find the “Copies of Backups folder”—the LaCie contained “all files, except Copies of Backups folder,” to within about 340 MB.

Comments? Suggestions?

dnanian 01-19-2010 05:05 PM

That's because it restored the previous settings after it finished the schedule, Nick. Delete and recreate the schedule that gave an error.

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