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mschmitt 05-28-2023 03:20 PM

Fixing when SuperDuper! Smart Update doesn't appear to free up storage
This is an FYI for anyone else who hits this problem. Your mileage may vary.

I deleted about a terabyte of data completely off a 3 TB source volume, and used SuperDuper! Smart Update to re-clone to a slightly smaller backup, but afterwards the backup only had around 300 GB free. What gives?

The reason was that there was an old snapshot hanging around on the backup volume. It was probably from when I used SuperDuper! erase-then-backup to clone this Big Sur backup drive to another drive. This snapshot may have been from an unsuccessful asr step, or one I interrupted. But for whatever reason, it was still hanging around.

Disk Utility in Big Sur doesn't list snapshots, so the procedure was:
  1. diskutil apfs list to get the device ID of the problem Data volume.
  2. diskutil apfs listSnapshots deviceid to list the snapshots on that volume. The result was:

    Snapshot for disk8s2 (1 found)
    +-- B87B74A0-4E24-4941-A276-15F1056135E9
        XID:        1841140
        Purgeable:  Yes
        NOTE:        This snapshot limits the minimum size of APFS Container disk8

    This gives the snapshot UUID (B87B74A0-4E24-4941-A276-15F1056135E9)
  3. diskutil apfs deleteSnapshot deviceid -uuid snapshot_uuid
  4. Unmount the volume
  5. Mount it again

dnanian 05-28-2023 03:25 PM

Unfortunately, 'asr' can often not clean up properly from its failures (we've reported bugs against this), although subsequent asr runs will usually delete leftover snapshots.

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