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mrbaze 05-29-2005 08:03 PM

Clone Failed First 2 tries (log inside)
Trying to be careful, I bought Super Duper, and a new external FW HD, partitioned it to 80GB/30GB to allow me to clone the 80GB internal drie in my PB17.

It failed, twice. Here's the log--It isn't helpful to me. At forst glance, it looks like an I/O address error on a MAN page file? Any ideas?


[***] Sunday, May 29, 2005 06:52:24 PM US/Central
|06:52:24 PM|Info| SuperDuper!, version 74, path: /Applications/SuperDuper!.app, OS: 10.3.9 (7W98)
|06:52:24 PM|Info| Source Drive: /, name: Albert, device: /dev/disk0s3 type: hfs, OS: 10.3.9 (7W98), capacity: 74.41 GB, used: 66.61 GB, directories: 73240, files: 379910
|06:52:24 PM|Info| Target Drive: /Volumes/Mirror Ball_1, name: Mirror Ball_1, device: /dev/disk1s3 type: hfs, OS: N/A, capacity: 80.05 GB, used: 0.55 GB, directories: 889, files: 11016
|06:52:24 PM|Info| Copy Mode : Erase, then copy files
|06:52:24 PM|Info| Copy Script : Backup - all files.dset
|06:52:24 PM|Info| Transcript : BuildTranscript.plist
|06:52:24 PM|Info| PHASE: Volume Preparation
|06:52:24 PM|Info| ...ACTION: Erase Mirror Ball_1
|06:52:24 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Erasing Mirror Ball_1
|06:52:31 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Restoring Mirror Ball_1 UUID (8FBA527359CF0499)
|06:52:31 PM|Info| ...ACTION: Enable Permissions
|06:52:31 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on Albert
|06:52:31 PM|Info| Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
|06:52:31 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for Albert
|06:52:31 PM|Info| Permissions on '/' are enabled.
|06:52:31 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on Mirror Ball_1
|06:52:31 PM|Info| Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
|06:52:32 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for Mirror Ball_1
|06:52:32 PM|Info| Permissions on '/Volumes/Mirror Ball_1' are enabled.
|06:52:32 PM|Info| PHASE: Clone from Source to Target
|06:52:32 PM|Info| ...ACTION: Copy Files from Albert to Mirror Ball_1
|06:52:32 PM|Info| ......COMMAND => Cloning Albert to Mirror Ball_1
|06:52:32 PM|Info| Copying all files using script: /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Backup - all files.dset
|06:52:32 PM|Info| Loading 19 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude system temporary files.dset
|06:52:32 PM|Info| Loading 1 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude Norton FileSaver files.dset
|06:52:32 PM|Info| Loading 2 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Backup - all files.dset
|06:52:32 PM|Info| Copy script command hash contains 102 commands
|06:54:02 PM|Info| WARNING: Caught I/O exception(14): Bad address
|06:54:02 PM|Info| WARNING: Source: /usr/share/man/man1/gendsa.1ssl, lstat(): 0
|06:54:02 PM|Info| WARNING: Target: /Volumes/Mirror Ball_1/usr/share/man/man1/gendsa.1ssl, lstat(): 0
|06:54:02 PM|Info| Logging attributes for item: /usr/share/man/man1/gendsa.1ssl of type: 8
|06:54:02 PM|Info| Type:
|06:54:02 PM|Info| Creator:
|06:54:02 PM|Info| kIsOnDesk: NO
|06:54:02 PM|Info| kColor: NO
|06:54:02 PM|Info| kIsShared: NO
|06:54:02 PM|Info| kHasNoINITs: NO
|06:54:02 PM|Info| kHasBeenInited: NO
|06:54:02 PM|Info| kHasCustomIcon: NO
|06:54:02 PM|Info| kIsStationery: NO
|06:54:02 PM|Info| kNameLocked: NO
|06:54:02 PM|Info| kHasBundle: NO
|06:54:02 PM|Info| kIsInvisible: NO
|06:54:02 PM|Info| kIsAlias: NO
|06:54:02 PM|Error| SVUclone: Error: Couldn't create

dnanian 05-29-2005 09:01 PM

Well, it certainly looks like /usr/share/man/man1/gendsa.1ssl is damaged, but it's hard to know how much.

The first thing I'd try to do is to boot from your OS install DVD and, when the installer starts, pull down its application menu and choose "Disk Utility". Then, have disk utility verify and repair the disk structure (not permissions).

Try the backup again. If that doesn't resolve the issue, we can do some stuff in the Terminal to try to fix the file. But -- first things first. We'll continue after you try this.

mrbaze 05-29-2005 09:19 PM

Boot From Tiger DVD?
Thanks for the rapid reply! Just to verify, you want me to boot from the new Tiger DVd then run the DU app from there?


dnanian 05-29-2005 09:26 PM

If you have Tiger installed on this system, yes. If not, use the DVD for the OS that's installed. (Alternatively, you can use single user mode and fsck, if you know what that is... if not, don't worry about it and use the GUI tool.)

(No guarantees on rapid replies for the next 24 hours or so -- I'm away from my computer and am working on a phone, which makes this kind of thing difficult!)

mrbaze 05-29-2005 11:14 PM

Dropped to single user mode and ran /sbin/fsck -f -y (-f due to journaling being active) and it ran cleanly twice.

Rebooted to MU mode and ran Super Duper again, failed on the same file. I am tempted to delete it (it's a man page source file for generating a DSA key of some sort) but that seems to be masking an underlying problem. I don't have my install disk for Jaguar here, so I am running fsck rather than the DU app.

I guess in the meantime I'll go on a "cruft hunt" and clean up my disk for the install if I ever get the disk backed up. :-)

dnanian 05-29-2005 11:23 PM

OK, so it's not an easy fix.

Before deleting, give ditto a try:

cd /usr/share/man/man1
sudo ditto gendsa.1ssl

If no error:

sudo rm gendsa.1ssl
sudo mv gendsa.1ssl

mrbaze 05-30-2005 12:24 AM

Thanks again Dave, but no luck:

ditto returns an error:

ditto: /usr/share/man/man1/gendsa.1ssl: Input/output error

As an old UNIX geek from way back in AT&T UNIX System III and System V days of the mid 80-s, this has been a fun return to the world of the command prompt, by the way.

I suspect, even though a clean fsck ran, that removing this file may just clear one error to find another if there is a munged file system.

Oddly, I CAN run "man gendsa" on it successfully--returning a brief Open SSL man page entry.

I will try removing it next unless you have another idea.


dnanian 05-30-2005 02:31 PM

Yep, sounds like you're at the point where you should delete the file.

The whole disk structure shouldn't be corrupt, though - hopefully you won't run into any other problems along the way.

mrbaze 06-08-2005 01:44 AM

Another failed file

Originally Posted by dnanian
Yep, sounds like you're at the point where you should delete the file.

The whole disk structure shouldn't be corrupt, though - hopefully you won't run into any other problems along the way.

Well, after deleting the offending man page file, and subsequently doing an archive and install of my existing 10.3.9 OS to correct another startup problem I am back again trying to clone, and failing again. I would have thought that a clean OS would have made this easier.

I have now been forced to "ditto" a file called "/System Folder/Control Strip Modules/SpeakableItems Strip" and have tried unsuccessfully to ditto a file called "/System Folder/ColorSync Profiles/Color LW 12:660 PS Profile." I have since removed it, wagering that I will not need it anytime soon.

There are more than 40,000 files in OS X. At this rate it feels like it's going to take me 6 months to get a completed clone. :(

dnanian 06-08-2005 02:21 AM

I don't know what to say: you can always Archive and Install and then delete the Previous Items folder. There's not much we can do if your files are corrupt! Cloning them certainly wouldn't help...

mrbaze 06-08-2005 03:28 AM

I did an archive and install. The files that are failing are not in the Previous System folder--they are in the color profiles of the main system folder. So far that is. With a brand new set of OS files on a normally working system I am puzzled by this.

The latest failed file is also a color profile, something I do not use.

Log says:

WARNING: Caught I/O exception(5): Input/output error
|01:13:21 AM|Info| WARNING: Source: /System Folder/ColorSync Profiles/Color SW 1500 Scatter, lstat(): 0
|01:13:21 AM|Info| WARNING: Target: /Volumes/Mirror Ball_1/System Folder/ColorSync Profiles/Color SW 1500 Scatter, lstat(): 0
|01:13:21 AM|Info| Logging attributes for item: /System Folder/ColorSync Profiles/Color SW 1500 Scatter of type: 8
|01:13:21 AM|Info| Type: prof
|01:13:21 AM|Info| Creator: sync
|01:13:21 AM|Info| kIsOnDesk: NO
|01:13:21 AM|Info| kColor: NO
|01:13:21 AM|Info| kIsShared: NO
|01:13:21 AM|Info| kHasNoINITs: NO
|01:13:21 AM|Info| kHasBeenInited: NO
|01:13:21 AM|Info| kHasCustomIcon: NO
|01:13:21 AM|Info| kIsStationery: NO
|01:13:21 AM|Info| kNameLocked: NO
|01:13:21 AM|Info| kHasBundle: NO
|01:13:21 AM|Info| kIsInvisible: NO
|01:13:21 AM|Info| kIsAlias: NO
|01:13:21 AM|Error| SVUclone: Error: Couldn't create
|01:13:21 AM|Info| Error copying /System Folder/ColorSync Profiles/Color SW 1500 Scatter to /Volumes/Mirror Ball_1/System Folder/ColorSync Profiles/Color SW 1500 Scatter of type 8
|01:13:21 AM|Error| : Input/output error
|01:13:21 AM|Error| SVUclone: Error copying /System Folder/ColorSync Profiles/Color SW 1500 Scatter to /Volumes/Mirror Ball_1/System Folder/ColorSync Profiles/Color SW 1500 Scatter of type 8
|01:13:21 AM|Error| : Input/output error
|01:13:22 AM|Error| ****FAILED****: result=256 errno=1 (Operation not permitted)

Should I exclude this directory by modifying the script?

dnanian 06-08-2005 10:17 AM

OK, that's really strange. There's something bizarre going on with this system that I can't account for.

Please create a system profiler report (run System Profiler, choose File | Save and save to XML). Send that to me at support, and I'll take a look and see if there's any system-level explanation for what you're experiencing.

Do NOT modify the script to exclude these files: there are just far too many to account for here. Your system clearly took some sort of significant hit at some point, or something happened to cause all of these files to be damaged like this!

mrbaze 06-08-2005 01:05 PM

Thanks Dave,

System Profile is on the way. The only truly odd item in my current config is a driver from for a PC-MCIA card 802.11b adapter, which I am using since my internal Airport Express card has exhibited extremely low reception strength. So I have a Lucent (Orinoco Gold) WaveLAN card and that driver to run it. The rest of my stuff is pretty vanilla, with all updates short of Tiger loaded.

I appreciate your efforts and rapid responses--truly unusual in my experience with most software companies!


dnanian 06-08-2005 03:07 PM

Thanks: we'll continue in email and you can post a follow-up here, if you wish, when we're done.

bluespruce 06-11-2005 12:04 PM

Me too!
Same problem here. First thru fifth attempt at a clone or a smart update after just having registered SuperDuper failed. Clones worked fine before registering. Here's my latest log. What a mess I'm in.

[***] Saturday, June 11, 2005 04:33:46 AM America/Denver
|04:33:46 AM|Info| SuperDuper!, version 74, path: /Applications/Utilities/SuperDuper!.app, OS: 10.4.1 (8B15)
|04:33:46 AM|Info| Source Drive: /, name: Boot HD, device: /dev/disk1s3 type: hfs, OS: 10.4.1 (8B15), capacity: 76.51 GB, used: 53.37 GB, directories: 77441, files: 329841
|04:33:46 AM|Info| Target Drive: /Volumes/iBook HD, name: iBook HD, device: /dev/disk3s10 type: hfs, OS: 10.4.1 (8B15), capacity: 74.40 GB, used: 53.94 GB, directories: 77529, files: 331005
|04:33:46 AM|Info| Copy Mode : Smart Update
|04:33:46 AM|Info| Copy Script : Backup - all files.dset
|04:33:46 AM|Info| Transcript : BuildTranscript.plist
|04:33:46 AM|Info| PHASE: Volume Preparation
|04:33:46 AM|Info| ...ACTION: Enable Permissions
|04:33:46 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on Boot HD
|04:33:47 AM|Info| Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
|04:33:47 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for Boot HD
|04:33:47 AM|Info| Permissions on '/' are enabled.
|04:33:47 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on iBook HD
|04:33:47 AM|Info| Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
|04:33:47 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for iBook HD
|04:33:47 AM|Info| Permissions on '/Volumes/iBook HD' are enabled.
|04:33:47 AM|Info| PHASE: Clone from Source to Target
|04:33:47 AM|Info| ...ACTION: Copy Files from Boot HD to iBook HD
|04:33:47 AM|Info| ......COMMAND => Cloning Boot HD to iBook HD
|04:33:47 AM|Info| Copying different files with delete using script: /Applications/Utilities/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Backup - all files.dset
|04:33:47 AM|Info| Loading 19 commands from copy script /Applications/Utilities/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude system temporary files.dset
|04:33:47 AM|Info| Loading 1 commands from copy script /Applications/Utilities/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude Norton FileSaver files.dset
|04:33:47 AM|Info| Loading 2 commands from copy script /Applications/Utilities/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Backup - all files.dset
|04:33:47 AM|Info| Copy script command hash contains 40 commands
|04:34:13 AM|Info| Ignoring /Volumes/iBook HD
|04:34:13 AM|Info| Ignoring /Volumes/Mac mini HD
|04:34:13 AM|Info| Ignoring /Volumes/Spare HD
|04:34:13 AM|Info| Ignoring /Volumes/Boot HD
|04:34:13 AM|Info| Ignoring /.Trashes
|04:34:13 AM|Info| Ignoring /.vol
|04:34:13 AM|Info| WARNING: Caught I/O exception(28): No space left on device
|04:34:13 AM|Info| WARNING: Source: /Users/.dc/dc.sparseimage, lstat(): 0
|04:34:13 AM|Info| WARNING: Target: /Volumes/iBook HD/Users/.dc/dc.sparseimage, lstat(): 0
|04:34:13 AM|Info| Logging attributes for item: /Users/.dc/dc.sparseimage of type: 8
|04:34:13 AM|Info| Type:
|04:34:13 AM|Info| Creator:
|04:34:13 AM|Info| kIsOnDesk: NO
|04:34:13 AM|Info| kColor: NO
|04:34:13 AM|Info| kIsShared: NO
|04:34:13 AM|Info| kHasNoINITs: NO
|04:34:13 AM|Info| kHasBeenInited: NO
|04:34:13 AM|Info| kHasCustomIcon: NO
|04:34:13 AM|Info| kIsStationery: NO
|04:34:13 AM|Info| kNameLocked: NO
|04:34:13 AM|Info| kHasBundle: NO
|04:34:13 AM|Info| kIsInvisible: NO
|04:34:13 AM|Info| kIsAlias: NO
|04:34:13 AM|Error| SVUclone: Error: Couldn't create

dnanian 06-11-2005 09:42 PM

It looks like you're using FileVault. What I'd suggest for you is to create a non-FileVault account to do backups from. Log out of the FV account (which'll allow its special image to be put away cleanly), and log into the special backup account.

At that point, the backup should work fine. (Note that you might need to do *one* erase then copy to clean up from the failure.)

bluespruce 06-11-2005 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian
It looks like you're using FileVault. What I'd suggest for you is to create a non-FileVault account to do backups from. Log out of the FV account (which'll allow its special image to be put away cleanly), and log into the special backup account.

Sounds like a good plan. I'll try it. Why was I able to do clones without any problem *before* registering the software?

Thanks for the response.

dnanian 06-11-2005 10:16 PM

I don't know: extension of files like this aren't entirely deterministic, and it's the active extension that causes this kind of problem. Without things like the log running inside the FileVault volume, that can't happen, so it should work.

bluespruce 06-12-2005 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian
It looks like you're using FileVault. What I'd suggest for you is to create a non-FileVault account to do backups from.

Your suggestion worked. Thanks for the help!

dnanian 06-12-2005 08:11 PM

Great. Happy to help!

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