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timlance 11-27-2007 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 15752)
Leopard freezing up sound like Leopard not working, MasterRanger...

SO glad to see you have maintain your humor, special as it has always been.

danielp 11-27-2007 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by justG (Post 15723)
Given the reports I've read about the integrity of CCC's clones and smart updates being called into question over time...

You keep repeated this, what you've read. I've been using ccc for over a week now on 3 computers and had no trouble at all. How it's magically working I have no idea.

Is it as smooth, easy to use, and wonderful as superduper? No, which is why I come back here every day to see if I can start using what I paid for. Right now ccc is a much better alternative simply because (for me) it works. Right now superduper is the vette with no fuel and ccc is the pinto with a full tank. I hate using it, but it gets me to work.


Just for the record Dave we fully appreciate your not releasing SuperDuper! until it is completely ready. I certainly hope that you will not rush its development just because some people are making a habit of complaining on this forum.
Who is we? I love that you refer to anyone bringing up that we're now going into the second month of no superduper whiners. I'm sure that we could go 3 months without superduper and there would still be some users telling everyone to stop whining, be patient.

This isn't donation ware. It's a product I bought and this forum is part of the support. I'm not starting threads every day to complain. But if 2 weeks go buy and there's still no update I'll certainly be back to ask questions.

If you're fine with everything, if you're happy to get superduper whenever, makes no difference, good for you. That doesn't negate differing opinions.

lestere 11-27-2007 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by danielp (Post 15756)
You keep repeated this, what you've read. I've been using ccc for over a week now on 3 computers and had no trouble at all. How it's magically working I have no idea.

Is it as smooth, easy to use, and wonderful as superduper? No, which is why I come back here every day to see if I can start using what I paid for. Right now ccc is a much better alternative simply because (for me) it works. Right now superduper is the vette with no fuel and ccc is the pinto with a full tank. I hate using it, but it gets me to work.

Who is we? I love that you refer to anyone bringing up that we're now going into the second month of no superduper whiners. I'm sure that we could go 3 months without superduper and there would still be some users telling everyone to stop whining, be patient.

This isn't donation ware. It's a product I bought and this forum is part of the support. I'm not starting threads every day to complain. But if 2 weeks go buy and there's still no update I'll certainly be back to ask questions.

If you're fine with everything, if you're happy to get superduper whenever, makes no difference, good for you. That doesn't negate differing opinions.

Sorry, but I just have to chime in here... danielp is absolutely right. Anyone that reads this forum knows that I have publicly praised Dave for providing timely support for his program... and I will continue to do so. However, Dave has stated on more than one occasion that we should not be "throwing rocks at each other", to coin a phrase, but throw those rocks at him... and according to him, he can take it. Bravo!

Well Dave, here comes a rock... it has been way too long since Leopard has been released and still no compatible SD version. CCC can do it, why can't you guys at ShirtPocket?

I'm using CCC now for my own safety, but I really don't like it all that much, and like everyone else, look forward to the Leopard compatible release of SD.

ShirtPocket, your customer base is frustrated... and with good reason!

Now, before you guys jump all over me like a tall dog, remember, opinions are like bellybuttons... everyone has one!

MasterRanger 11-27-2007 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 15752)
Leopard freezing up sound like Leopard not working, MasterRanger...

Funny :) and I'd be willing to agree (and downgrade to Tiger) if the freezes also happened after TM was turned off. So far, TM's on/off status is the only constant. It's all 5x5 as long as TM is off. :(

I dunno, I bought Macs so I wouldn't have to perform surgery & miracles on OSes and hardware like I do at work, so I'm just burning critical files to DVD each week till something easy and working comes along.

NightOne 11-27-2007 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by danielp (Post 15756)
Who is we?

I agree with everything JustG said. There is your "We".


Originally Posted by danielp (Post 15756)
This isn't donation ware. It's a product I bought and this forum is part of the support. I'm not starting threads every day to complain.

You bought a "license" to use the software? How would you feel if there was an upgrade charge for SuperDuper?

Since you "bought" Tiger, did Apple give you Leopard for free or did you pay $129 like everyone else?


Originally Posted by danielp (Post 15756)
But if 2 weeks go buy and there's still no update I'll certainly be back to ask questions.

If you're fine with everything, if you're happy to get superduper whenever, makes no difference, good for you. That doesn't negate differing opinions.

The point that was being made was that the constant "needling" does not do anything to further the cause of Leopard Super Duper. In fact, it hinders it.

Dave, you should be giving the Nobel prize for patience after this ordeal. :D

dnanian 11-27-2007 11:03 PM

Well, lestere, the reason that "they" could do it and we "couldn't" is the same reason that SD! copied all the metadata associated with a file while all the other tools didn't. (See this post.) We're taking the time to make sure things are right with the Leopard that's out.

danielp 12-11-2007 01:50 AM


I agree with everything JustG said. There is your "We".
That's great. Except others wouldn't be a part of 'we'. This is a really simple concept. Allow me to explain. 99 percent of the time we as users are alone in front of our computers. That means only 'I' makes sense. You can say we and be sure some people will agree with you. But that's silly. It also doesn't add weight to an opinion, although that is certainly it's purpose. Differing opinions are good. Seeing those that don't carry the opinion of the majority here being shouted down is disheartening.


You bought a "license" to use the software? How would you feel if there was an upgrade charge for SuperDuper?
You're asking the wrong person . I would gladly pay an upgrade charge. I would have paid the full price for superduper again if it was working with leopard 2 weeks ago. I find it ironic that the general consensus here is that backup software is too important to rush out the door, yet you assume I wouldn't pay to have a working superduper (and I'm sure I'm not the only one). You assumed wrong.


The point that was being made was that the constant "needling" does not do anything to further the cause of Leopard Super Duper. In fact, it hinders it.
Your point is BS. The last time I even commented on this board was almost two weeks ago. If superduper isn't out because a few people are complaining then they do have problems.

This isn't freeware. People chose to buy superduper and they have a right, within reason, to ask for updates and voice their concern regardless if they updated to leopard knowing superduper wasn't ready. My question to you would be how long would it take for superduper to not be working before you would dare raise a voice. We're going on 7 weeks. 2 months? 3 months?

On the bright side, since shirt-pocket is being super cautious in its release of superduper, unlike CCC which works already but has a few minor problems, I'm guessing it will work perfectly from day one. See, I'm looking at the bright side.

Jeffus 12-11-2007 06:17 AM

Make sure it's !00% right Dave
Hi all, been reading this thread with interest and I have to come down and support Dave and his team. Nobody forced people to change to Leopard so early. I'm running Tiger 10.4.11 and as mentioned earlier in the thread SD works flawlessly with it. Please Dave stick to your guns and make sure the Leopard version is 100% solid. BTW will it work OK with Tiger still?


dnanian 12-11-2007 08:38 AM

Yes, it'll still work fine with Tiger.

FromageTheDog 12-11-2007 08:24 PM

Glad to see someone else as eager for this update. danielp beware, the idiot masses are only minutes away from jumping all over you (like a "tall dog" :) ).

TMay 12-11-2007 11:19 PM

Funny, Danielp says "we" don't exist, or at least, the concept of our existance is "silly," whereas CheeseDog says that we are the "tall dog masses." (Err, "idiot masses," to be exact.) Waiting to jump. Ruuufff!!!

FromageTheDog 12-11-2007 11:37 PM

Right on cue! Good boy! :D

danielp 12-12-2007 12:08 AM


Nobody forced people to change to Leopard so early.
If I had a dime for every time I heard this line I'd have 1.35. 2 months is early? Will 3 months be early? If you enjoy using tiger, good for you. I wouldn't go back. Every single program I use works on leopard, and I use a lot of programs, except one.

TMay 12-12-2007 10:41 PM


I understand that use of CCC "over a week now on 3 computers" undoubtedly qualifies you as both a backup software and CCC guru, but what if those errors you later refer to as "a few minor problems" turn out not to be? (Not to be few, or minor, or perhaps neither.)

2stepbay 12-14-2007 02:12 PM

I'm with you. I prefer to see a rock solid version of SD, than one having backup problems. As I wait for the Leopard version, I've been taking alternative steps to preserve essential files.

Looking forward to the new version.

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